Chapter 11

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Roger's POV

I returned to the states, no closer to finding Cleo or Roman. The whole way back, I attempted to use other connects to find out more information. But I decided, I would be able to do the best work in the office. I entered my office with a hot cup of coffee. I inhaled the smell of the fresh grounds, just happy to be back on US soil. My eyes caught a glimpse of a sealed envelope on my desk. It was addressed to me with no return address. I slid my letter open across the seal. As I read the letter my blood ran cold and a long stream of four letter words fly from my mouth. 

"Roger Barken, you officially have 3 weeks to kill Roman or I hunt you down and kill your family. Signed, Arkady."

I crumpled the paper and threw it away. I do not need this right now, I have enough on my plate. I lean onto my desk contemplating my next move. I would have to dedicate all my resources to finding this man under the radar. The only problem is if I even think about googling Roman Green right now, it will be flagged.  I released a sigh, flipping on the television. I put the coffee mug to my lips as  I hear the news mention Cleopatra's name as well as an assassination attempt. The coffee spilled out of my mouth until my desk as I watched Cleopatra shooting her own father on national television. She shoots a hole clean through his shoulder and his shoulder just reconnected ligaments.

What has been going on while I was gone?

I started to find all the possible explanations for this nonsense on my screen. Maybe Cleo wasn't kidnapped at all... Ok, I was there but what if this is some kind of conspiracy? Or maybe he brain-washed her?  Whatever was happening, I needed to get to the bottom of it. I continued to watch the news and read the words across the screen.

"She is still at large..."

If she is here, Roman is nearby and so is the douche bag who punched me.  I grabbed my coat and rushed to my car. When I arrived at the crime scene, the tech team was still there, searching for evidence. I couldn't believe who I saw standing there, blanking staring into thin air. I made a move towards her to get a better look at her, and three secret service men accosted me until I showed them proper identification. And even then I couldn't get more than 5 feet close to her. 

No, I was right.

Right before my eyes was Maxine Samson. I read about her case. She went missing 15 years ago. The last person to see her alive was Cleo. She looked the same except her eyes were lacking life. She looked dull and depressed. Nothing compared to her previous self. I stared at her up and down until Mack came and grabbed her roughly by the arm. While he was twisting her arm, I saw numbers. The numbers were 95413. 

What do those mean? 


"Roman, his freaking shoulder reconnected."

I paced the room, trying come up with a reasonable explanation. Redding had given up on that front and opted to turn on the news. Mack was giving a press conference addressing his sudden transformation into a circus freak. 

"I'm asking that my fellow Americans, please give me time to explain yesterday's events. I have reunited with my wife, to do what's best for our family at this point. To Cleopatra, we love you and we want you to come receive the treatments you need."

I felt myself gagging as my mother appeared in the frame. I dashed to the bathroom as the little food I had consumed made it's way up my throat. My body continued to heave even after there was nothing left in my stomach. I held onto the toilet for support as my head spun. Roman appeared behind me, picking me up. With one hand, he turned on the faucet in the bathtub. My clothes started to disappear from my body but I could barely register what was happening. When I was just in my underwear, I grabbed Roman's hand. 

The Beauty and The Drug Lord (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora