Final Chapter

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I'm dizzy as hell. Where am I?

My head was spinning. The distinct echo of six bullets entered my mind. Opening my eyes, the elements of the hospital room came into view and I sighed a sigh of relief.  My relief didn't last too long as the previous events settled into my mind's eye. Saturated in my despair, I closed my eyes as tears flowed down my face. 

"Ms. Samson. We need to talk."

 "Go away."   

"Your mother sent us."

  I turned and looked at where the voices were coming from. The sources were a well-dressed man and woman giving me looks of pity.  

"My mother? What is this? Some sick joke?"

"Ms. Samson." The woman continued.

"What? My mother is dead. Who are you?" I snapped.

"We know what happened 2 weeks ago."

"2 weeks ago?"

"Yes, you were in a coma for a week. The other days you slept. We assumed from grief."

Astonished, I asked "How do you know what happened?"

"Mr. Le Fleur told us all about it. Would you like to see your brother?"

My heart fluttered at the fact that Redding had survived. I nodded vigorously in answer. 

The man stepped outside briefly and came back in with Redding. He was still pretty damaged. He had a bandaged head and through his shirt you could see the bandages around his ribs. His arm sat still in a sling. His lips painted black and blue with bruises. For a moment... we just stared at each other. Searching for a comfort. Redding walked over and gently hugged me. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe and that was feeling I never wanted to lose. 

"Mr. Le Fleur, please take a seat."

Redding did as told.

"We have a proposition for you. The both of you."

The man's cell phone rang and he went outside to answer it.

"What's the proposition?" Redding asked.

"We have two openings at our company."

"As you can see we are in no shape to accept a job."

"We understand that. You guys have more experience than most of the people that work for us. Before you make up your mind, we can promise you three things. You will never split up, you will have your revenge, and your questions will be answered."

I looked at Redding and he mouthed the words 'what do we have to lose?'

"What kind of kind of company is this?"

"Welcome to the Ringers. When you two recover, I will personal fly you to our headquarters."

"Wait, how do you know our mom? And where is this headquarters?"

"She used to work for us. She made us promise to offer you a job when you were ready. And the headquarters is in a secret location."

"We'll do it. For Roman, Jerry, and Mom."

"Perfect, we just need you to get better. And have some time to grieve, of course."

The woman got up and walked to the door.

"By the way, I'm Carmen. And he's Freddy. We can't wait to start working with you."

She left and closed the door.

I slipped down into the covers and Redding sighed.

"What did we just get ourselves into?" I asked.

"A lifetime of danger. Together forever?"

"Together forever."


Roman's dead. I'm off the hook.  At least that's what I thought until my house blew up.  Apparently, I'm



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