Out of Character//Headcannons 1

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Okay so this entirely inspired/ripped off of PoppyTea and I'd just like to credit her for a second bc she writes really nice warriors fanfiction and is a great artist so check her out!!

I'll do one of these chapters every now and then but if you don't like them I'll try to publish a new story chapter alongside them so you can just skip this to go to the story

So what this are kind of side tidbits of information/'technically cannon headcannons' about the characters besides the story

Skyflower is the kittypet mentioned in the last chapter and her two kits are Lilypaw and Marigoldpaw, in case you didn't figure that out

Flameclaw was trained as a warrior before becoming a medicine cat

There are/will be same sex relationships in my story

Adding onto my last two, I'm conflicted on what Maplemew and Flameclaw's relationship should be, either boyfriends who had to break up after Flameclaw became a medicine cat or kits who grew up alongside each other and were best friends until Flameclaw became a medicine cat and had a falling out

Vilou, the elder in Treeclan, is a Maine coon cat

Because everybody is either somehow related to one of the four original clan cats and mixed with loner/rogue (despite the rare exception like Skyflower) and the four original cats are related to Thunderclanners, Windclanners, Shadowclanners, and Riverclanners as Mary Sue ish as it is it wouldn't be impossible for some characters to be related to cats like Firestar or Tigerstar or someone

Deweyes was born blind in one eye, then lost his eyesight in the other when he was a warrior. He's also Dovechaser's mate, and they have two living kits: Silverwing and Dawnflight (separate litters).

the one eyed rogue doesn't have a name just yet, but his father (Eaglespark) was a Stoneclan warrior and his mother (Poppyshine) was a Lightclanner, and Hawkthorn doesn't really have a connection but he was also a Stoneclan cat. The kit Hawkthorn took actually is still in the series and will have a part later on!

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