Eighteen: The Prophecy

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"Featherpaw!" Dawnflight yelped, before suddenly dashing forward and pushing Featherpaw to the base of the tree, moments before he hit the ground. "You could have broken your spine!"

"I'm sorry," Featherpaw whimpered, slowly standing up before wincing and falling onto the grass.

"Are you alright?" Silverwing asked, beginning to examine Featherpaw's legs.

"My leg," the apprentice panted in response, "I caught it on the branch before I fell, then hit it again on the way down."

"it's swelling!" Dawnflight gasped, pointing with her silver furred paw to Featherpaw's left back leg, "he's in pain!"

"I'm really fine, I promise, just need help getting to my pa-"

"Littlethorn! Get Littlethorn!" Dawnflight ordered to her brother, before she ran off herself. All Silverwing did was chuckle.

"She's a mother," The grey tabby smiled, "You should have seen her when Lightningsplash was born. Lightningsplash could cough and Dawnflight would be panicking."

Lightningslash was Dawnflight's kit? Featherpaw took a mental note, before Silverwing continued.

"Here, I'll help you get to camp and you can talk to Littlethorn," Silverwing instructed, grabbing his apprentice's scruff and helping him stand. He hissed at the pressure on his back leg, but then the two were limping back to the Lightclan camp.

When the two tomcats entered, Bramblepaw immediately raced over, Lightningsplash and Dawnflight at her heels.

"Got yourself into more trouble, huh?" Bramblepaw jokingly asked, before noticing how Featherpaw was limping and panting. Her golden eyes flared. "Featherpaw, you seriously hurt yourself again? Hornetpaw!"

Littlethorn was surprised to see Featherpaw; but Hornetpaw just smirked. "I knew it wouldn't be long until you hurt yourself again." She muttered, her golden-brown tail flicking as she, her mentor, and Featherpaw entered the medicine cat den.

"Oh, does it hurt? You poor thing," Littlethorn cooed, inspecting Featherpaw's leg. "It's swelling so bad..."

"It's not that bad," Featherpaw insisted. "It's kind of irritating but I'm sure if you give me a few herbs it'll be okay."

"Okay?" Dawnflight exclaimed from outside. "you just fell from a tree and almost snapped your back in half and you think a few herbs are going to make you okay?"

Hornetpaw rolled her eyes playfully, and Featherpaw noticed the resemblance between this golden tabby and Lightningsplash. She mentioned she had a sister, Featherpaw remembered, before Littlethorn spoke again.

"I hate to say this, but it might be sprained," The silvery-white queen said, her bright green eyes lowered. "Hornetpaw, could you get me some nettle leaves? Oh! And poppy seeds."

"Sure," Hornetpaw nodded, before disappearing and returning with a mouthful of different looking herbs.

"See, now we just need to apply this," Littlethorn mumbled, pressing the leaves onto Featherpaw's wounds. "Then you, Featherpaw, need to stay off this paw."

"What!" The striped apprentice whined, "how am I supposed to hunt and train and and-"

"You're not." Silverwing sternly mewed. "It's my fault you hurt yourself. I should've just left the past in the past, and you hurt yourself because I didn't. You're doing whatever Littlethorn says."

The past in the past? Featherpaw's thoughts echoed in the back of his mind, before remembering what he saw at the top of the tree. That light red tabby with the round, large dark golden eyes and her soft, sweet words. Her ominous, mysterious yet sweet words. The past will repeat itself in a fiery blaze; take the darkness, it's the light you cannot save. Featherpaw gulped.

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