A Fantasy

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I stared. At what you might ask. Well, nothing in particular really. I just. Stared. I looked around me. At my surroundings. Of course nothing had changed though. I've been in the same place my whole life. How could it change? Well actually scratch that last part. It does change,but only at certain times. Those are my favorite times.

It changes in the winter. When all the flowers die. When all the color fades. When all the life is gone. Other than me that is. Its weird isn't it? That the time I dread. Is the time most people love. Trust me though, you would hate it to if you saw it everyday.

"Gemini," I hear my father summon me. I rise to my feet and dust off my dress before heading towards him.

Ah, my father. I loath him. With a passion I might add. This man is the reason I sit in that dreadful garden. That pedophile, that is always giving me dirty looks. That's not the reason I called him that though. He's always bring young women here. Sometimes they look younger than me even.

He's drunk most of the time and always reeks of alcohol. The house keepers tell me he wasn't always like that. That he was different before my mother died, but I'm not sure I believe them. My mother died when I was three so I would really remember it. Though knowing him now its quite hard to imagine him any other way.

Though non of that is the reason I hate him. Well, okay that not true. Those are all the reasons I hate him, but not why I loath him. I loath him because of a recent event.

"Its about the arranged marriage." He informs me when I reach him. 'Arranged marriage' I repeat to myself. That was the reason I loathed him and what he was about to say next. That was the last straw.

"He is coming tomorrow. Please try to not embarrass me. Act like a lady for once in your life."

"B-but father, I told you I don't won't an arranged marriage," I explain to him. I don't know why I did that though. To think that that man. Would ever care about anyone else's opinion. Ha. It made me laugh.

He turned around furious. Studying his face I realized that he was drunk. I immediately regretted what I said. My father was not one to anger while drunk.

I'm not really sure what happened next, but when I looked around these are the things I took note of; I was on the ground, My face hurt like hell, My father was gone, and one of the house keepers was running towards me.


To be honest I didn't know what to think or feel of the situation. I was now lying on my bed with a wet rag on my face. That house keepers had informed me that I hadn't been laying on the ground for to long and that I would be fine. I already knew that, but I decided to keep it to myself.

After a little bit the house keepers had excused them self's. I thanked them, but I don't think they heard. I looked at the door and studied it. I've always liked doors. They lead you to new places. In and out of them too. Then I looked up to the ceiling. I took the time to take in my surroundings.

I didn't spend much time in my room. I liked it. I liked my room. The room that I have only ever seen before in the dark. I liked it because it was new and it was different and with that thought in my head. I floated of into a deep slumber.


'I wonder. If I pretended to be dead would they believe it?' Is it just me or is it sad that that was the first thing I thought when I woke up the next morning. I sat up and once again absorbed my surroundings. It made me a little happier.

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