To The Beach!

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Girls - Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Capircorn, Aquarius

Boys - Aries, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces

The zodiacs sat in there living room doing there usual things. Socializing, watching TV, sleeping, reading, drawing,and..... and also doing what ever Libra was doing. It was a hot summer day and they were all just chilling. Until Leo ran in.

He stumbled down the stairs and then ran and jumped onto the couch in between Aries and Sagittarius.

"Guys! I have an amazing idea!" Leo shouted.

"Leo we're right next to you you don't have to shout." Virgo pointed out annoyed.

"What's your idea Lee?" Libra asked.

"We, wait for it....... Should go to the beach!!!"

A rise of agreement came from a majority of the zodiacs and everyone quickly got up and got ready to go. Though some of them had to be dragged. Once everyone was ready they pilled into there cars and headed straight to the beach.

When they arrived they immediately spilt up into their own different things. Capricorn, Pisces, and Taurus were off floating around in the water. Aries and Gemini where racing. Virgo and Libra were Lying on the beach tanning and reading books. Cancer had some how talked Scorpio into helping her with a sand castle, and Aquarius and Sagittarius were making Leo into a sand mermaid.

"Who's a pretty mermaid?" Sagittarius asked Leo mockingly.

"I'm not pretty. I'm Gorgeous.".

"Sure you are Lee, now stop moving." Aquarius told him patching up the spot he had just ruined.

"Also for information Sagit." Leo started completely ignoring Aquarius. "I'm a merman not mermaid."

"You sure about that?" Aqua asked him putting a piece of sea weed in his hair.

"Yep I got proof, what to see?"

"No!" Sagittarius and Aquarius said immediately.


"Um, Can. The moat is starting to leak again." Scorpio pointed out as Cancer poured another bucket of water in.

"Ugh, again? Dumb moat." Cancer said kicking the moat. It immediately broke on the impact of her foot and the water started pouring out and flooding the castle. Or it would have if the castle wasn't made of sand that is.

Before either of them could stop it the water destroyed half the castle. Scorpio sighed and Cancer started at the castle in shock.

"Good job Can," Scorpio said sarcastically.

"My poor castle."


Virgo and Libra laid together on the beach in silence. Normally Libra would have tried to start a conversation, but Virgo was reading and he didn't want to disturb her. Or anger her.

Virgo was deeply into her book. She didn't even notice when a kid came up and stole her shoes. Libra didn't either since he was watching Scorpio drag an enraged Cancer away from a pile of sand.


"What are you talking about? I'm farther than you!"Aries yelled at Gemini as the two did a contest to see who could swim the farthest.

ZODIAC ONE-SHOTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ