Detention Dunce - Aries(F) + Leo(M)

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Aries groaned as she scribbled out her answer. She wrote down a different answer, but again it was no good. She scribbled it out and the pencil led snapped.

She suppressed a scream and instead simply snapped the pencils in half. Then with a sigh she dug through her bag to find a different one. She took out a mechanical pencil, figuring she'd have a harder time breaking it.

Aries went back to her work. After about three questions she glanced at the clock. It had only been ten minutes. Meaning there was thirty minutes left. Suppressing another scream she looked back down at her paper annoyed.

'Question #10. Sally's school is holding a dance. It is a family event. The tickets cost 10 for adults, 7 for teens, and 4 for children under thirteen. If Sally, and her five friends( who are all children like Sally), her teen sister and her seven friends, and her mom and dad plus Sally's and Sally's sisters friends parents want to go. Then how much will it cost? Don't forget to show your work. '

Aries couldn't take it anymore. She shot up from her seat, crumpled up the paper, and threw it forward. And Just her luck it hit the teacher.

"Ms. Ram!" The teacher says raising her voice. "Detention. After school. Don't be late."


Aries slammed the door to the detention room open as she walks in. Obviously she wasn't happy about this, and it defiantly showed. She wore the look of murder on her face as she silently made made her way to a seat towards the back.

She took a book out of her bag and began to read. Reading wasn't really one of her favorite things to do, but it was better than nothing.

After a bit of reading Aries started to hear an obnoxious tapping noise. She felt her eye twitch as she slowly lowered the book to she the source of the noise.

She nearly had a heart attack as she saw who it was. In front of her was a boy with blond hair resting his head on the desk with one arm, and tapping a pencils on the desk with another. He was staring straight at her.

How long has he been looking at me, Aries thought annoyed moving back to the position she was in before. She went back to reading hoping that he would go away, but when she looked again he was still looking at he.

He sent her a wink and she rolled her eyes. Lowering the book a little more she glared at him.

"What are you looking at?"

"What are you looking at?" He shot back finally stopping with the pencils tapping.

"For your information I'm the one facing the right way." Aries snapped at him setting down her book.

"That a matter of opinion."

"No, its really not."

A smirk spread across as his face and he leaded closer.

"Oh come on. I know you like what your seeing."

"Excuse me?" Aries asked leaning away.

"Its obvious with the way your looking at me," He explained with another wink.

Aries scoffed and rolled her eyes. Sure he was good looking, bit she was about ready to chock him. She probably already would have, if not for the fact that she didn't want another detention. So instead she went back to reading.

Though the kid didn't seem to get the message. He kept on saying cheesy pick up lines and other completely stupid things.

"Look, kid--."

"Leo," he said with another wink.

"Yeah okay. Leo. I'll explain this to you the easiest way I know possibly. I'm not, and never will be, into you."


"I'm serious."

"Yeah, sure you are."

Aries glared at him. She really didn't want another detention, but she also really wanted to give this kid a black eye. She got up from her seat and was about five seconds away from punching him, when the teacher got up too.

"Alright delinquents," he started. "You've served your time. I hope you've learned your lessons. You may now leave."

He didn't have to say it twice. Aries, along with a bunch of other kid, immediately grabbed her things and ran out of the classroom.

Once she was out of the building she turn and glared at it. If she never saw Leo again it would be to soon. Yet there was also a small part of her that totally disagreed with that.

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