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   My mum said that I have to stay at my grandparents house for a week why my mother goes on a cruise with Terry, her new boyfriend.
   But I don't even know my grandparents. All I know about them is that they're old.
   I don't mind going to my grandparents, but it's Terry. He always hurts mum. And every time he says no to say anything I always find bruises on her skin. I hate him.
   Plus I have to go with my twin sister Jessie. She hates me.  When we were thirteen he logged a knife into my stomach. I almost died that night.
   When I was allowed visitors she came in and told me that she wished that I had died. That was one year ago.
   She threatens me regularly, and will always hate me.
Mum says that this is what it's like for all sisters.  But I'm pretty sure that most sister haven't tried there hardest to kill their other.
   Ever since mum met Terry life has been hell. There is no chance that life can get any better for us.
   He's the one with all the money, and if it weren't for him we'd still be on the streets. 
   But what can we do? Nothing.

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