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He pulled my underwear up then my pants, and he started panting.
"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?" He nudged my shoulder, but I didn't even move.
"So it's around five o'clock, would you like some dinner?" He was mucking around as if nothing had ever happened.
I sat still for a moment then whispered, "I'm fine thank you," then stood up to go to my bedroom. "You already tried to feed me sausages anyway." Then I shuffled down to my room and closed the door. I sat on the bed and jut stared at the wall. I sat there for up to half an hour, then I heard the front door slam shut.
"Hello? We're home," I heard grandma shout I didn't think to go out there and talk to her. I just casually walked into the bathroom and turned on the cold water on the shower.
I didn't bother turning the warm on.
I sat at the bottom of the shower on the ground, but the shower was half shower, half bath. So I sat down for a bit, then I felt my eyes go puffy then I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. I don't try to hold them back. I just let them flow. I was in there for a solid three hours, so I decided it was about time to hop out. I slipped into my pyjamas and just lay on my bed and stared at the roof. I didn't evert my eyes from the roof, until I noticed a little slightly orange light coming from the window, so u looked over, to see that it was dawn, but I stay laying in the same position, and began to cry again.
I may as well get this out of my system now.
"Are you alright, T?" I heard grandma calling out from the other side of the door. "Are you crying?"
I panicked and tried to hold my tears at bay while I talked to her. But I burst into tears when u thought about the consequences that grandpa had talked about. ' I will snap your pretty little neck, and then I'll have to move on to someone else....'
"Nothing sorry, I just stubbed my toe sorry if I woke you," u called out trying not to sound like I've been crying.
" Oh okay sweetie I just thought it must had been something else," she trailed off before jiggling the door knob to try and get in. I made no attempt to let her in but instead ignored her, and just cried again. He's gonna want more, whether you like it or not, I thought to myself. Maybe even today. Just try to be ready. Try to be ready.
Those words repeated in my head for the rest of the day. After hours of thinking and crying, my stomach began to rumble. I tried go ignore it, but after half an hour it began the hurt, so I decided to get some food. Just something, anything to satisfy my stomach. I slowly leaned forward and slid my feet on to the floor. I pulled myself up then slowly creeped over to the door. I lay my hand on the lock and slowly twisted it, trying my best not to make any sound. Then I heard the click that means it's unlocked.
I listened out to see if anyone's up, then once I new the coast was clear I opened the door just enough for me to fit through I wheezed through the door then I left it open, so I didn't make any sound when I came back to my room.
I leaned up against the walls to try and lessen the weight off the wooden planks so I didn't make any creaks, then walked to the kitchen. I looked around to see if anyone was around, then I walked over I the pantry.
I opened the pantry doors then grabbed a packet of salt and vinegar chips, and some Nutella. I closed the pantry door, then dropped the Nutella and chips on the floor when I seen grandpa standing there with his arms crossed, smirking. I stood there frozen, the blood draining from my cheeks.
Flicked his head sideways, toward the his bedroom. "Come on, you know what to do," whispered loudly, walking to his room.
But instead of following him, I sat down on the ground, and began to eat my chips. Then I opened the Nutella, and started dipping my chips in it.
After a few seconds, grandpa walked out of the bedroom butt naked. I just began crying, eating faster.
"Come in here, now! Or would you prefer I call up grandma, and asked her if she could drop--"
I ran into the bedroom before he could finish his sentence and sat down on his bed. He just laughed, and shut the door.
"Huh, that's what I thought too," he turned around, and done everything he wanted too me, no matter how much I screamed and cried for help.
This continued like this for the next two days, but he made it more consistent, then just once a day. The next day he actually made me when they were home, but he brought me into the shed. He kept me in there for two hours.
   After a while, I heard grandma yelling out my name. I opened my mouth and screamed. I screamed and screamed until she walked into the shed.
   "Talia! What happened?" She rushed over to me, and began to untie me, my wrists tied to a wooden pole with rope on the back corner.
   I opened my mouth to reply, when I seen grandpa running in anger toward me from the house.
   "I-I seen that Jessie was getting b-bored, so u decided to let her play a detective game, you know, try to find me. But then I somehow tied it too tight and I couldn't get out. But it's okay. "
   I looked over at grandpa, who looked satisfied with my answer. Why doesn't he care about how upset I am? How hurt I am? Those questions haunted me all night. Tomorrow's the last day. Does he want one last go? I shuttered and my brain went all alert, and I looked around. He's gonna make the most of the last day. I know he will. I lay there for the next hour, trying to figure out how to handle tomorrow. After half an hour, I finally came up with a plan, before slowly, drifting off, to sleep.

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