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"Okay I'll see you in a week baby," mum cried as she hugged me and Jessie and kisses is hard on the cheeks.
"Be careful mum," I raised my eyebrows and darted my eyes back and forth from mum and Terry.
Mums eyes went wide with panic as she looked up at Terry, who's face was going red and squeezing his fist.
"Oh don't be ridiculous Talia, I'll be fine, I'll call you every day, and if I don't, you call me. Love you baby girl," she looked at us both, and brought us in for a final hug.
Mum jumped when she felt Terry's hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him slowly and he nodded his head sternly at the train.
Mum quickly nodded back and stood up. "Bye girls," mum yelled after us. We looked back and waved. I death stared Terry before entering the train.
At Least it will only take about seven hours to get to Cleveland from here.
I whip out my phone from my denim genes and plug in my headphones. I go into playlist and choose 'grenade' by Eminem.
After four hours of playing GTA on my phone and listening to music, my phone dies.
"Ugh, damn it!" I yell in a whisper punch my leg three times.
"Ha ha, ha," Jessie shifts in her seat and spits her gum at me.
When she yawned I threw the gum at her and watched as it bounced off her cheek.
I instantly freaked out and pretended to be asleep.
After a few long seconds I felt her violently grab the front of my jacket.
"Did YOU, throw this?" She shook me and then threw me back into my seat.
"How could I? I was asleep," I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.
I lied back down and pretended to go to sleep. I heard her bounce on to her seat and mumble something under her breath.
I stayed still for a few more seconds just to make sure she didn't bother me.
The next thing I remember was having my suite case hit me in the stomach. I grunted.
Jessie stuck her finger up at me and walked off the train. It took me a few more seconds to realise that we were at Cleveland.
I smiled and picked up my luggage and jumped off the train. I spotted two old people holding up a sign that said, "Talia and Jessie Marks" so I walked over.
"Talia Marks? You must be my grandparents, I held out my hand to shake.
"Oh yes darling, and where's Jessie?" Grandma looked around, puzzled.
"She'll be around here somewhere," I glanced around. "There she is," I pointed up her then slapped my hand against my leg.
She was looking down at her phone.
"Jessie! Jessie!" I waved my hand in the air and ran over to her. I waved my hand in her face. "Come on, time to go," I pointed to grandma and grandpa.
She Tsk-tsked and walked over to them.
I rolled my eyes and groaned. This's gonna be a long week.
Jessie was wearing a black jacket and ripped denim genes. I'm sure grandma and grandpa won't stand for that. I sat back and watched.
I stared in amazement as grandma and grandpa smiled warmly and both tightened their hug on her. When they pulled back she was still playing in her phone.
She dropped her dark purple suitcase in front of grandpa and and walked to the exit door. Grandma hugged grandpa then followed Jessie.
I stomped my foot and frowned. Why do they like her more than me? She was being a jerk. And I was being as nice as I could be. Maybe I could change their minds.
I shuffled forward to her suitcase and looked up. They were at the door, so I guess that I have to carry her stuff.
I picked up her suitcase and screamed as I began to fall over. Her suitcase was so heavy. I dropped her suitcase and fell to the ground.
No boy came behind me and saved me from falling over life in the movies. No. I fell flat on my ass. But it didn't hurt too bad. And nobody said anything.
I got up and dusted myself off. Grabbed the handle and started dragging it across the station.
When I got out of the station and in the car park, there was no sign of grandma and grandpa. I sat out suitcases down and went for a look.
After about ten minutes of looking, I see that there was no-one here.
I jogged back to the suitcases and dragged them inside. I wet to ask the receptionist to borrow the phone, but I didn't know their number.
So I went and found a seat near a power plug and plugged in my charger and iPhone.
After about forty minutes of waiting for it to finish charging, I put my charger back in the front zip if my suitcase and l went through my contacts.
I don't have their number. What do I do?
I sat down trying to figure out what to do. "Mum!" I jumped up really exited.
I went through my contacts and found her number. It didn't pick up he first time. So I tried again. After about the third or fourth ring, she picked up.
"Hello? Baby what's wrong," mum sounded sad and upset.
"Mum, what's wrong," I started to panic. He can't just just her on the holiday too. It's not fair. "Mum did he hurt you?"
"No baby I'm fine, just a little tried that's all," she sniffed.
"Liar," I said in anger. I wanted to her to give the phone to him so I could talk to him. But I know what he'd do to her if I did.
"Anyway, I need grandma and grandpa's number."
"Why?" Mum sounded suspicious, which was not the reaction I was hoping for.
"They were so in love with Jess that they left me behind. I've been here for about an hour," I sounded desperate. I haven't eaten for ages.
"Yes I'll call them up now, they'll be here soon I promise. Love you."
Before u could reply she hung up. I sat there for twenty minutes before u seen hen pull up.
I walked outside happy to finally see them when I look over and Jessie has a brand new phone, new jacket and converse shoes. And all I get is to be left for the next hour and a half at an old train station.
Instead of saying hi I stormed past them, jumped in the car and slammed the car door behind me.
I didn't bother looking back. I stayed silent he entire ride I their house. They didn't even go and buy me anything.
I jumped straight from the car into the house u didn't think that they would leave their homes unlocked in this neighbourhood.
But i didn't care at the moment. I sat against the wall and waited for them to bring my stuff in. I know it was rude but I did it for them so they can do it for me.
Once they came in they showed us our rooms. I picked dibs on the master bedroom.
I closed the door behind them and put all my stuff away. I was really tired after wait all that time for them so I decided to get some sleep.

I bounce up in panic as I hear the door knock. I look around frantically trying to figure out where I am. I start to breathe easier when I realise I'm at my grandparents house for the rest of the week. I glanced over at the window to see thy it was dark.
So I checked the time in my phone and it was eleven forty seven. I think u missed dinner, so what do they want?
"Can I come in?" I hear grandpa call out.
I take in a deep breath. "Yeah ok sure."
He opened the door just enough for hi to fit through them clears the door behind him.
I gulped.
He sat at the foot of the bed. "You know that we're very sorry that we left you behind, it's just we were so excited to have somebody over again, that we just completely forgot. I hope you can forgive us," he put his frail old hand under the blanket and on my leg.
"It's ok and yeah I forgive you," I shifted.
"And if there's anything at all," he started to mind his hand up my leg. "Don't be afraid to ask," he stopped at the top of my thigh. He slowly rubbed before smiling and walking off. I sat up in panic as I soak in what just happened.
I got up and walked to the bathroom. What was he doing? Maybe it wasn't meant to be inappropriate, maybe it was just his strange way of doing things. Oh well. I washed my face with water.
It won't happen again. It'll be fine.
I went back to bed to try to get some more sleep. But I couldn't. Why did he touch me like that? I mean if you think about it it's not that bad but it's just the WAY he did it and the way he was looking at me.
I laid there and played my phone for the next half hour. But then I figured that we'd be doing something tomorrow so I better try and get some sleep.
I laid my head against the pillow and tried to get the thought out of my head. After ten minutes I finally fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up to grandma tapping my shoulder.
"Sweetie wake up, it's breakfast time," she smiled warmly and walked out of he room. "Hurry darling."
"What time is it?" I shuffled around to find my phone. When I found my phone I checked the time. 11:12. Jeez I slept in a lot considering how I didn't feel like sleeping.
I went to unlock my phone but it didn't have a lock on it. But I had a lock in it, which means that it's been hacked.
"What the heck?" The screen saver was a picture of my grandparents. I went through all of my stuff and my grandfather was now a contact. Why? And how?
I decided it was just incase there was a problem. I put a lock on it just incase and changed my picture back to my mum.
I went over to the bathroom sink and brushed my teeth. Once I was done I went and got changed into simple genes and a plain pink shirt.
I walked out to go have breakfast. I walked out and sat down at the kitchen table next to Jessie.
I leaned close to her. "Hey, what you doing?" I raised my eyebrows and winked.
"Ugh none of your business," she whispered then moved over to the next seat.
"Well THAT was rude," I widened my eyes and held my hand to my mouth sarcastically.
"Yeah your so funny," she said staring at her new phone, which wasn't even on.
"Lol I know right? Just so funny," I said in a British accent.
"Just don't speak to me, okay? Don't," she shouted as she stormed off to her room.
"Someone's time of the month!" I shouted after her. Before laughing my head off.
"You know it's not very nice to treat your sister like that," grandma walked into the room holding a box of coco pops and milk.
"Like what? She is such a jerk to me you have no idea," I got really mad. That's my even fair. I hate that she loves her so much.
"It's called sisterly love, darling," she pored me some coco pops. "Happens to the best of us."
I wasn't in the mood to argue so I just shovelled down my food and went back to the room.
Just as I got up to leave, grandma called out.
"Don't leave just yet," I heard a big crash. "You use the dishes, you wash the dishes."
I groaned and went to he kitchen.
Once I finished washing the dishes I went to my room. My phone was ringing.
I ran over to my phone that was on the pillow and answered the phone, not checking to see who it was. "Hello? Who is this," I used my proper voice.
"Hello my name is mum and I was wondering how you were doing?" It was mum.
"Oh hey mum. Has Terry been nice to you?" I was just making sure.
"Well actu-" before she could finish the phone hung up.
"Mum? Mum! Are you okay?" I searched frantically to try to talk to her again.
I tried to call her back but it went straight to voicemail. I bet he blocked me.
"Damn it mum!" I screamed then threw my phone on the ground and then it smashed. But I don't care. I told her not to go alone.
After a while I calmed myself down. I decided that it was about time I started looking after myself for once. Anyway, she has had and still has many opportunities to leave him.
I walked over to the bathroom to put my makeup on. Once I had finished doing that, I went into the lounge room and put Chanel twenty-three, the lost boys. After that episode finished about half an hour later, grandpa walked into the lounge room and sat uncomfortably close to me.
"Listen, we're going to the museum today," he began to rub my leg. "And I was wondering, if you want to stay here, together," he began to start rubbing higher up my leg. "And why do you kids say? 'Hang out'," he pulls his hand away.
Sadly, the #1 rule of going to a somebody's house as a guest is that you have to do what ever they want to do.
"Umm," I mumbled, and began to get fidgety. "O-okay."
He clapped his hands together and smiled. "It's settled then! You and me will have a day together. Just, you, and me." He looked me in the eyes and smiled coldly. I looked down.
What what is he gonna do to me? I hope we're just watching a movie or something.
I went to bed, even though it was twelve fifteen and fell almost straight to sleep. I woke up the next morning around four o'clock. I was wide awake and freaking out and I don't even know why.
I tried to get back to sleep but after about ten minutes I gave up.
I got up and went and hopped on the shower and turned the hot water up.
I sat down at the bottom of the shower thinking about what might happen tonight. I started to cry. I'm not use to this kind of stuff.
A kid my age should not have to go through that. Hell, not kid should have to go through that at all. But that's what's happening. And nothing has even really happened yet but o know it's about to. It's not that hard go tell.
I began to feel stressed. I turned the heat up until it hurt. At Least it distracted me from what's about to happen.
I hopped out of shower and wrapped the towel around me. I walked into the bedroom and sat on my bed looking through the dresser to find an outfit for today. It's Wednesday, so I only have to survive for five more days.
I went to grab some shorts and a singlet, but then I realised how easy that would be to manoeuvre around, so I grabbed some tight genes and a long sleeve. I don't want it to be easy for him.
I lay down in on the bed and stare at the ceiling until nine o'clock then I get up.
I don't even go for breakfast I just sit on the sofa for the next few hours until two o'clock when it's time to go to the museum.

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