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"Okay we're off to the museum, good luck sweetie," grandma leaned in and gave me a kiss on the forehead and rubbed my shoulder. She looked at me and smiled warmly.
"Okay then, off you two go, have a good time," grandpa shoved them toward the door. He seemed pretty eager to get them out.
"Bye sis," Jessie did jazz fingers before walking out the front door.
I tucked myself into a ball and stared at the wall. I hope he doesn't do anything to me.
After a few seconds I heard the front door slam and my body filled with panic. We're alone.
"So," he walked in and started rubbing his hands together. " What movie do you want to watch?"
"Umm, I don't m-mind," I stammered.
"How about," he thought for a moment. "Nemo?"
I looked at him, confused. "Umm, yeah sure."
"Great!" He yelled. He found the disc and slid it into the CD player.
He grabbed the remote and walked over to me, and sat uncomfortably close to me.
I tried to shuffle over but he wrapped his right arm around my neck. I froze immediately.
"So have you ever seen the movie Nemo?" He tightened his hold.
"Uh, yea I h-have. It's the movie wi-with the, umm, fishes, right?" I tried to shrug him off be he didn't even flinch.
He laughed, I don't know why. "Yes, yes it is."
Neither of us spoke for around five minutes.
"So!" Grandpa screamed suddenly, which made me jump. "Do you, little miss Talia, have, for yourself..."
Why is he taking to long to say this, I thought to myself. Is this really that important??
"A boyfriend?" He asked with a smile.
"Well, I-" before I could answer he cut me off.
"Or a girlfriend? Do you prefer girls?"
Why is this so important.
"No, but I'm allowed to if I want," I wasn't really allowed, but it made me sound more respectable, well I me it did anyway.
"Oh," he said blankly. We both turned to watch the movie, and it was up o the but where they met Dori.
Grandpa laughed, but said nothing. We sit there in silence, for most of the movie. When we got to the part near the end, where Nemo's dad nearly meets the pelican, when I started to feel a little peckish.
"Hey grandpa?" I asked asked. Do you mind if I please, go to the bathroom for a second? I'll be straight back, I promise." I curled my bottom lip outward, trying to do a puppy face.
He sight, and hesitated before lifting his arm to let me go. "Thanks. I'll be right back," I smiled gleefully and skipped off, not knowing why. "Lol" I whispered under my breath.
"Hurry back, won't you?" Grandpa called after me. Although he was being nice, it sounded more like a command, rather than a suggestion. I shrugged it off and ran into my bedroom.
I walked over to my purple suitcase and unzipped the front pocket. I reached in, and pulled out a packet of sherbet. I ate them all them went into the bathroom to do a wee.
After I had finished, I ran out quickly to my phone and brought it with me out in the lounge room. When I got out there, he winked at me and pet the empty seat next to him. I smiled in reply and nodded, and sat in a totally different spot, and pretended I was texting someone. I looked up, to see him finding his way over to me, and sat down.
"Well," he began to rub my leg. "You took your time, but that's ok," he started to rub my hips, but I slapped him away.
He didn't seem to agitated by that, but rather aroused.
"We can make up for the time we lost here," He raised his right eyebrow and leaned forward. He kissed my forehead, then lowering to my cheek, then my neck. Then she slowly pulled his hang up my leg then grabbed the top of my pants and began to pull down. I went to try to escape him, but he stopped me.
"If you try to do anything funny, or try to call anyone, or even try to leave me," he whispered quietly in my ear, "then I'll snap your pretty little neck before you even realise," then he began to use both hands to pull down my pants, which were now half way down my thighs.
I didn't even flinch, I just sat there looking forward.
"And any funny business, and I'll have to change to someone," he did a small chuckle to himself. "That will be more fitting, someone who you know very well."
My eyes went wide with fright and I new he was talking about Jessie. "Okay, I won't do anything, just promise..." My lips trembled as he pulled my pants to my ankles, and my underwear closely followed.
He smiled and did the same to himself.
"...promise me you'll make it quick."

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