Around jasper nevada and new style

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Mikau pov (imagine him more muscular ;) )

I hum as I got ready for my first day at school, uncle shifu informed me with a pretty much joyful tone that I and my brother will stay in jasper for quite some years in cousin Miko's house.....well I'll be dam ...

Grabing my backpack and doing my normal routine ,meaning washing theet ,bath ,ect., I fixed my bed neatly and walked out of my new room

My hair swayed behind me as I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where I met cousin miko and zoroa eating cereal

Miko was the first to notice my present and waved , I waved back and sat besides them and eat an apple

"Good morning mikau! " "good morning to you as well dear cousin, brother " Zoroa nodded and kept eating his cereal

After we all finished our morning breakfast, we walk outside the house where Bulkhead awaited our presents

His doors open as we where a foot away from him , zoroa gasph and barged inside the car while asking alote of questions

I chuckled and fixed my red hoodie on my waist while my white t shirt stretch upward and showed a bit of my muscles

If you live in a farm, you will need alote of strength to finish your tasks and stop animals from fighting each other, happened once..dint end well for me until I started exercising , now I can carry 99 barrels full with water in them

As I entered , I was greeted with a good morning from bulk, I responded back with a calm tone,I then click the seat belt to it's place

Zoroa and miko do the same and we were head off to school

~le time skip by optimus hips! ~

We all got off and waved goodbye , I looked at the school infront of me

"...." "mikau come on ! " I shook out of my daze and apologized and followed behind them

As we got there , thousands of teens scrabble around the halls , eather running or just standing there

I caught some quite attention when I came inside , a boy with ginger hair walked towards our path , his eyes averted me and zoroa , before I knew , he holded a tight grip on cousin miko while preparing his fist , my ears lowered inside my red beanie

"Give me your lunch money or else!" Fury got the better of me and I barged between them and slam the kid to the lockers, my shadow covered him as my red eyes stared immensely at him

"How dare you treaten my cousin! !" His eyes widen as he looked up at me "!!!"

I growled and slam him again in the locker "I SWEAR TO GOD IF I SEE YOU NEAR HER I'LL NOT HESITATE TO BRAKE YOU APPART!" I was about to show my claws at him until I felt jack and miko hold me back while yelling stop

My eyes widen as I loosen. My grip on the kids shirt and looked at them "...i..." Jack out a hand in my arm and nodded "it's not your fault...but next time ..control your anger ?"

I bowed and nodded in shame " yes " I them turned to the boy " pardon my rage, thought I am willing to hurt anyone if they mess with my family and friends "

The boy nodded and ran off , people mumble words and some aplaude ,some yelling I defeated this "vince" "the school bully" and such

I looked away from them and towards the office where I will get my schedule , jack and miko and even my brother gazes were stuck in me , I sighted and tried to snap them from asking further more

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