Chapter 5

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"Please Help Me Hyung"
Luhan is looking at Sehun who is giving him the puppy eyes that he can never say no to. Luhan sigh, "Fine. I'll help you." Sehun smiled so bright that it can blind people.
"Thanks Thanks Thanks hyung thank you so much!!!" Sehun was so happy because his favorite hyung is the one who is gonna help him even if they had history together but that was all in the pass. Luhan just smiled like a proud father.
"So why didn't you ask Baekhyun or Chanyeol to help you? they are much closer to Jongdae anyway." Luhan asked Sehun who is sipping he's bubble tea.
"I don't want them to know. They might tease me you know how they are hyung." Sehun asking me with his eyes not to tell Chanyeol or Baekhyun knowing that the two can't keep a secret especially since the three are close they always have to each other what is it.
"I know so what do you wan't to do about it." Luhan asked.
"I don't know hyung, I just want to take it slowly as possible since I'm younger than Jongdae hyung. He might think that i'm childish and won't take me seriously." Sehun replied with a sad smile, they both know that Jongdae is nice and can't reject anybody even thought he likes trolling other people.
"So what makes you like Jongdae. cause the last time I check you two might be the most awkward people when alone in the whole gang." Luhan remembered how Jongdae and Sehun don't even say a word to each other when they're alone but bit by bit Luhan notice the two have been really close to each other these past few month but Luhan decide to ignore it since Sehun is not bothering him.
"I don't know but thing happen. Jongdae hyung is always mysterious for me so I want to know more about him from the start, but then as time pass just by looking at him makes me smile. His smile makes my heart beat like crazy, the way he talk mesmerize me he's voice is"Sehun doesn't know how to explain it. Luhan was kinda shock to see Sehun like this he was kinda jealous that Sehun found someone that he loves and he can rest assure that Jongdae is gonna be in good hand even if Sehun is a little bit brat but he was a good kid, because even if the two broke up they still became friends like old times.

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