Chapter 2

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Hi guys i'm back from the dead and while I'm writing this I'm eating Baozi!


"Come with me in China and let's forget everything about our past"

Minseok has been thinking so hard for the past 5 days. He wasn't sure what to do or what he can do. He's very confused about what going to happen if he choose to go to China. What gonna be his life there? Will he be happy? Will Luhan be happy? Will his family care for him even a little if he went missing? 

Many question was going around in his little head. He has to choose fast, he only have 2 days left to tell Tao his answer. He was scared that if he tell Luhan that he's pregnant with his child he won't believe him or if he tell his parents that his pregnant they might him for being such a stupid son that worth next to nothing or worst than nothing.

Minseok also has been avoiding Luhan for the past 5 days, Luhan has been worried and wondering why Minseok is avoiding him. Minseok has been eating his lunch in the back of the school building for the past 5 day. Tao also stayed with Minseok, he wanted to watch the older one so that he won't feel pressure or alone at all.

Tao knows that Minseok has been suffering since childhood days before Luhan entered Minseok life, Tao and Minseok was best friend along with Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and the Kaisoo couple. All of them knows Minseok has been abused by his parent and his older sibling doesn't even cared if Minseok gets hurt  or get mistreated by their own parent, in that family Minseok doesn't feel that he's being loved more like he is hated. 

"So Hyung I heard that Sehun and Luhan is officially dating" Minseok nodded and just gave Tao a sad smile "It's not my business to who ever he date or be with, I don't control him" Tao look at Minseok with a concerning, Minseok placed an hand in Tao's cheek "Tao~ah don't worry about me. It's not like the child that i'm carrying is made with love, but I will give as much love that both parent will give their child. I don't want this child to grow up the same way as I did." Minseok smiled weakly before taking a bite of the sandwich he made. " So ge are you gonna tell him that your pregnant with his child or your just going to hide it forever from him" Tao asked Minseok, Minseok only looked in the sky and said "I wish I have the courage to do such a thing Tao but I can't i'm weak with word and courage not on my side I can't even tell my own feeling i'm scared that if someone know what my life had been they will pity me and I don't like it when people pity I feel so much useless Tao" Minseok was surprised that Tao had hug him but he just want to seek this moment of being cared for and being loved.

"OI!! TAO~AH, MINSEOK HYUNG" Chanyeol spotted them and waving at them the rest of the group turned around to see Minseok and Tao walking in their direction. " Channie not too loud we are still in the school hall way." Kyungsoo warned as he recieve a backhug from Jongin who is currently playing with Kyungsoo blazer. The two of them was greeted by the group. "Tao~ah, Minseok hyung do you want to come with us we're going to get bubble tea." Chanyeol asked the two of them and Tao and Minseok look at each other eyes. "Sorry hyungs but we have to go somewhere." Tao answered, then Chayeol said, "Please Minseok hyung." Chanyeol giving his best puppy eyes expression, Minseok hesitated "I guess so but we won't stay for long Tao and I have to do something.

On the way to the bubble tea shop the group was noisy except for the Hunhan couple and the Taomin couple, Tao was asking Minseok if he's okay or if he's tired and if they should just go back and ditch the group but Minseok just gave Tao a gummy smile that made the group swooned like crazy, but on the other hand Luhan was looking at Minseok for so long that it could burn holes thru Minseok's body, Sehun asked if Luhan was okay and he just nodded and gave Sehun a small smile.

When they arrive they find a table that could fit 12 people but they cant so they just mixed up two table, while waiting for their orders Tao's phone rang, he excused himself to answer the call their were silent between Minseok and Luhan. Luhan cleared his throat "So how are this week Minseok?" Luhan asked Minseok and Minseok just smiled "I'm good I guess better than good. How about you? I heard that your dating Sehun now. Congrats." Minseok looked at everything else except Luhan. "I'm good I guess and thank you." Luhan smiled cause this was the first time they talk this week and Luhan felt like it was forever. But again their was a silent between the two and Luhan can't take it and he needed an answer why Minseok was avoiding him. Luhan turned an little bit to his right and turned Minseok chair to it's left so that they could face each other. "Minseok did I do something that makes you mad at me? You've been avoiding me this week you haven't answer my call and my text, you don't have time to hangout with me or with the rest of us and your always with Tao." But once again Minseok looked at everything else except Luhan. "Luhan~ah it's not that i'm avoiding you but i'm very busy this week and I have to help Tao with something and I drop my phone to the toilet so it's broken now" Lies Minseok just lied to Luhan and don't want to admit that he was avoiding him. Before Luhan can asked Minseok for his new number Tao came back with their drink. "Ge our drink is here let's go and they already called you but you weren't answering." Minseok mouthed okay and stand up, Luhan tried to reach for his hand, but he didn't do so. The two bid goodblye to the group and thanking them for inviting the two of them and then they left. Luhan looked back where Minseok was seating and the smiled on his face was completely gone.

"So are you really sure about going to China ge? You know you don't have to force yourself to do things like this" Tao asked Minseok if he was sure if he wanted to go to China It's been a week since Minseok said yes and 2 days since they last saw the group. Now their packing their suitcase and luggage. Minseok just smiled and patted Tao head "I'm sure I want my child to be able to lived freely not like how I lived I want my baby to be loved I don't want my child to be threated by my parents Tao I want him to be strong not like me." Tao smiled and hug Minseok. "Ge i'm here for you and for your child i'll support you with all my mighty. And you are not weak ge you are one of the most strongest and bravest people I know even if you have a cute face." the two of them smiled at each other."I will protect you ge, I will I promise." Minseok nodded and whispered 'Thank you Tao for everything' 

The two of them reached the airport, no one knows that their leaving today or even know that they're leaving but they thought it's for the best. Their flight was called and the two of them stand up and headed to the way. They were seated on the plane, Minseok was seated beside the window and Tao was seated beside him the older one take one last look at the country where he grew up and where he met all the great people that helped him to stand stronger. A tear was slowly falling down from Minseok beautiful eyes, finally the pilot announced that they were to take of Minseok shut down the window and rest his head in Tao shoulder. Minseok final thought before the plane was up in the sky was.



Hi everybody sorry that I updated late I was busy with some things and school will start soon here so I might be more busy but I promise to do my best on the updated see you later people ^_^

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