Please dont do it

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Jake ran all the way back to the hospital,dashed into the entry,busted through the door. He had gotten their just in time before she tried stabbing a needle in her neck vain. The doctors say the needle was filled with HNO3(very dangerous chemical). They say she threatened to inject herself if they came any closer. Jake was terrified at this point. He told her how he feels which would be,"Carla I need you to listen to me okay. I never told anyone this,but at the same time who would I share this with my mom and dad are usually at work,my sisters super far away,my oldest brother works,my other brother and sister are always on their phone and never have time for my,so ima tell you I have very strong feelings towards. Carla lowered the needle a little. She responded with,"Jake I love you too but I'm tired of having to put up with 'useless child' I'm getting tired of getting hit for nothing." Jakes mind accepted it but his body didn't. He ran as fast as he possible can,she almost injected herself but Jake smacked the needle out of her hand. He then held her extremely close to his body. Since that day Jakes been wanting to beat Carla's mother senseless.

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