I tried

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Jake stood there frozen. Thinking of what to say,thinking of what to do. But nothing came up. He said to himself,"Oh Carla,I can't even do anything to help you. I just stand here watching you be and get hurt. You are called useless but in reality I'm the one being useless. How can I help you? How can I help your life get better? What do you want me to do?! Please tell me!!! IM LOSING MY SANITY OVER YOU!!!!!"

 How can I help you? How can I help your life get better? What do you want me to do?! Please tell me!!! IM LOSING MY SANITY OVER YOU!!!!!"

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As a "friend" Jake was always overprotective of Carla. Whether it was a annoying boy they knew or a bully Jake was always there by her side. Ever time period when Jake wasn't by Carla's side he felt as if she was off getting bullied or teased,or his worst nightmare. Him being replaced. That thought haunted him to death. He was almost like Carla's dog,where she went he followed. Whatever she did he did too. When ever she didn't eat he didn't eat either,he would just keep it in his mouth unit she looked away,then he spat it back out. He was almost terrified of the newspaper roll 🗞😂.

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