Now i gotta leave,can stop to think.

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Jake was very tired he stood in that room for a week,just standing next to Carla. Once she was ready to go back to school Jake stood there waiting for Carla in the front gates. His suspense was growing as time passed by,waiting for Carla. She didn't go to school that day or the next,or the next day after that. The third day he was worried so he ditched school. He ran quickly over to Carla's house. He knocked on the door. "No one" was there. He stood quiet and put his ear on the door check if he could hear anything. He heard crying and sobbing. He knocked harder. No one answered. He knocked again,still no response. He had no choice but to break down the door. So obviously,he did. He found Carla bleeding on the floor crying into her hands. He walked to her. Took two steps...and everything went-PITCH BLACK.

Authors note:Sorry it was such a short chapter,I sucked at writing anyway. So really this is normal thanks any way for reading dish😛!

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