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Michael's P.O.V ~
I never knew what would become of me. Or the other guys. We never saw it coming. Never saw the warnings or listened to the advice of the doctors or our parents or friends. We always thought that My sight was gonna get better. Always thought that it wouldn't get to the point where I needed glasses.

But I guess life had to be cruel to us and ruin everything entirely.

We. Were. Happy.

Calum... Ashton... Luke... We were all extremely happy....

But life had to ruin everything and make me a freak. Life had to make me dependent. Life had to take everything I held dear, sunlight, nature, color, loving affections through sight... Everything I had been taught and everything I held dear, life had to yank it out of my grasp.

It all happened on a simple Saturday afternoon. I woke up to the smell of Calum making lunch in the kitchen. And then the sounds of Ashton and Luke fighting and playing video games in the living room. However, when I opened my eyes, I didn't see my creme colored ceiling like normal, I saw darkness.


I didn't know what to do. It was all so overwhelming, that I couldn't move. "Ashton! Calum! Luke!" I screamed, immeadiately, I heard 3 pairs of footsteps running upstairs and into my bedroom. "Mikey? What's wrong?" I heard Ashton's worried voice. "W-Where are you three?" I couldn't see them... "Michael, we're right here," Luke said softly as someone sat down on the bed. "Guys...I'm scared... Why can't I see you all?" I was in the point of tears...

I knew they looked at each other. Someone sat me up. "Michael..." It was Calum. "We're gonna take you to the doctors, okay?" I simply nodded. They helped me out of bed and one of them put on my shoes.

After a bit, they helped me into the car. I knew Calum and Ashton were in the front seat, cause Luke was next to me, holding my hand and reassuring me that everything was gonna be alright. Soon we stopped somewhere and the others helped me out of the car. We walked into an office and Ashton lead me over to a chair and sat me down.

Calum and Luke then came over to us and reassured me that everything was gonna be fine. We waited for about 20 minutes till a woman's voice called my name. "Michael Clifford?" The guys helped me up and took me with them as they followed the woman. They helped me when she told me to step on a scale and she took my height measurements. They guys then lead me into a room. "The doctor will be right with you," The woman said before leaving.

We waited for another 10 mins before someone walked into the room. "Alright, Mr. Clifford." It was a man whom I assumed was the doctor. "How are you feeling this afternoon?" I shrugged,"I feel fine. Don't feel sick." "Dizzy? Nauseated? Sore throat?" I shook my head no. "I just can't see," I said.

The doctor hummed and took out one of those medical flashlights and shined it into my eye. "What do you see?" He asked. "Just a blurred light," I answered truthfully. The doctor nodded and hummed. "Then the answer is simple. You're blind." The boys gasped.

I was.... Blind?....

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