Free afternoon.

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Max's POV
Me and Aletta got the airport to pick up her car. "Do you know where to go?" I asked her.
"Um... No but we can ask someone" She said.
"Nah I'll figure it out," I said. As she walked to a map pulling one out waving it at me smiling. I rolled my eyes and walked towards her. I took the map from her hands and opened it up. She giggled, "what?" She took it from my hands and turned it around.
"You were holding it upsidedown ya dork," she said as my face turned as red as my hair she giggled, "OK lez go! Lead the way!" She said marching in place. I rolled my eyes and started walking.
~•~•~•~•~•At the car pick up•~•~•~•~•~
Your POV
We walked into a room with a bunch of people, Max sat down in a chair and I got in the annoyingly long line. I stood there patiently waiting and waiting it didn't help that it was complete silence besides a couple of people talking. I looked around awkwardly reading some posters that hung on the wall.
~•~•~•~•~few moments later~•~•~•~•~
I finally got up to the front.
"How may I help you?" the lady mopely said. 'what's hot her panties in a bunch?' I thought.
"Um I would like to pick up my car!" I say.
"Licence plate," she asks typing on her computer.
"A, C, three, zero, F, five, A, D, five" say slowly allowing her the type it up.
"So, ac30f5ad5?" She asked.
"Yep!" I said, as she handed me my car keys.
"Lot A," she said.
"Thanks!" I said heading out the door grabbing Max.

Max's POV
Aletta and I walked... Well i walked she basically skipped out to the parking lots. "Do you know what lot it is?" I asked her laughing.
"Lot A!" She exclaimed.
"Did you eat a bag of sugar this morning?" I asked her.
"Nope!" She said running towards a (C/C) (F/C), "baby I missed you so much!" I rolled my eyes and her 'what a dork.'
"OK I'm guessing this is your car," I said.
"Nooo... I just thought this strangers car needed a hug," she said sarcastically, "Climb in, and we'll go retrieve your car." I did as told and we drove over to mine. I got out and hoped right into mine.
"You know where your going?" I asked.
"I'll manage," she said, "I'll probably just follow you."
"OK," I said.
Your POV
I rolled up my window allowing Max's car pull out in front of me so I could somewhat follow him. We pullout of the airport parking lot. It was wicked quiet so I turned on the radio, and (f/s) came on so I cranked up the volume and sung along. Then I drove into traffic. "Now for the weather," the lady on the radio said," tonight we will be having one hemlock of a thunder storm! Be careful on those roads you night owls!"
"Will do, now please can we get back to the music!" You say. As you change the channel. To some rock.
~•~•~•~•~•~Back at Max's~•~•~•~•~

I pull into the apartment driveway after max and park. I jump out walking inside alongside Max. He fumbled in his pockets for the keys and unlocked the door. I headed for the cupboards grabbed some peanut butter and put it on a plate. Max headed for the fridge and grabbed two apples, "want an apple?"
"Yes!" He tossed one to me and I cut it into slices. I dipped my apple into my peanut butter (😜ya don't judge me😜). Max looked at me sideways in confusion, "what?"
"That's gross," he said.
"No it good! Try it!" I said eating another apple slice. He just shook his head with his tongue out, "what at you chicken?"
"Fine!" He said, stealing one of my apple slices.
"Hey!" I pouted.
"Not bad," he said nodding reaching for another slice, I slapped his hand away, " fine, hand me that knife and a plate," he walked over grabbing the peanut butter. I giggled handing him the knife and plate. I finished my snack and hopped on the couch. I turned on the TV and turned on Netflix.
"What do you wanna watch?" I asked. As Ross walked into the living room. Jumping onto the couch.
"ATTACK ON TITAN!!!" he shouted.
"Yes! Marathon!" I squealed in unison with Ross. Clicking attack on titan. Max rolled is eyes and plopped on the couch next to me.
~•~•~•~•episode 24 12:00pm•~•~•~•~•~
Max's POV
Ross fell asleep an episode ago. Aly is on the brink of passing out. I wrapped an arm round her and she leaned on my shoulder. I leaned my head on hers. Then she passed out. I smiled and turned off the TV. I picked her up and set her in my bed. I tucked her in and walked up to Ross passed out on the couch. I shook him, "dude get up I need the couch." He looked up at me sleepily and got up. I plopped on the couch and passed out.

Your POV
Me and Max where walking through a forest. We talked and laughed. I kept hearing noises but kept them to myself. It started to rain. Thunder crashed as the water poured from the sky. We ran to my car and Max started driving. I turned on the radio and nothing but static came on. "This is my favorite song," Max said. I nodded my head. 'Wait its just static is he being sarcastic?' "Aly turn it up." I did as told. Then lighting struck the ground in front of us making max swerve off the rode into a tree, blood splashed the inside of the car I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out but static.
"AHHH!" I said. Waking up sitting upright in a puddle of sweat. 'Oh must have been a dream. Oh great now I'm not gonna be able to fall back asleep. I am quite thirsty. I know I'll get some milk, and maybe an Oreo,' I thought standing up walking out to the kitchen.
"Did you have a nightmare?" I heard someone ask. I turn to see max laying on the couch.
"Oh ya, no biggy I'm just getting some milk," I answered opening the cupboards, "do we have any Oreos?"
"Sorry," Max said.
"Darn," I reached for the milk and poured it in a glass finishing it off, " maybe we should go to Wal-mart and go shopping tomorrow."
"Sounds like a plan, so wanna tell me about your dream," max asked, " maybe talking about it will take your mind off it."
"Max I'm not two," I said rolling my eyes, "I think I can handle a nightmare."
"Come on Aly, come tell Papa Max about your bad dream," he said in a cheesy baby voice. I rolled my eyes smirking, I walked over sitting next to him.
"So if your my Papa," I started as his face turned red knowing his mistake, " dose that make you--,"
"-- Dad Max?" I said smiling like there was no tomorrow. He grabbed me pulled me closer to him, and started to tickle me, "no Max I'm sorry let me go!!"
"Please Max I surrender!"
"Why you gotta go and be Mad Max!"
"Now your dead"
"OK OK shh Ross and Tim are still sleeping, even though barney deserves being woken up, Ross and time don't really." He said letting me go, " Now tell Dr. Mithzan about your dream." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine," I sighed, "(you tell him what happened)"
"Woah holly foxglove." He said rapping an arm round me.
"yep," I yawned laying close to him and drifted off to sleep.
'Really Al you had to fall asleep, whatever,' I said holding on to her, she tossed a little, ' Must be having another nightmare,' I pulled her closer and held her tighter. She rolled over stuffing her face into my Minecraft T-shirt. I smiled as she calmed down her nightmare ending, and I fell a sleep.
(Sorry this took so long to be posted I've been busy and I'm running out of some ideas, comment some thoughts and requests I'll be sure to check them out and consider them. Hope your ok with your name being Aletta tell me in the comments. Thx luv u bye 😘)

Dont Let Me Go. (Mithzan X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt