Pizza hut

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I got back from work. Max and I were playing guitar hero. He was indeed beating me, "Max you're no fun to play with!" I exclaimed crossing my arms as the song ended.
"Aww is someone butthurt," he said in a baby voice tapping my chin.
"I hate you," I said. He stuck his tongue out at me.
"You love me," he smirked. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders.

Jes: Hey Aly we going to check out that house tomorrow?
Me: ye
Me: what time will work best?
Jes: Um lemme ask Jason...
Jes: how about 1:30
Me: cool you wanna meet up there or at my house, yours
Jes: I'll meet you @ Max's
Me: sounds good.
Jes: kk syl
Me: yeep

I put my phone in my pocket, "who was that?"
"Jes," I said.
"What she want?"
"We are gonna check out a house," I said, "speaking of which I need to call the owners," I walked out dialing the number.

Max's POV
'Things will be different around here.' I thought, 'without Aletta.' I walked out of my room and looked out the window. She was talking on the phone.
"Hi was calling about the house," she said pauseing, "yes... my name? Aletta...time? Around 2:00... see you then, thank you for your time." She walked back in I quickly turned around and plopped on the couch.
"So..." I said, "what do we want for dinner?"
"Go out, I don't feel like cooking," She said, "wait were are guys?"
"Adams." I said she nodded getting up. Putting on her shoes, " where you going?"
"Food," she said, "lez go." She motioned out the door. I laughed following, "where are we going?"
"Donno," she said shrugging her shoulders, "do you wanna get fast food or a diner?"
"Humm, pizza?" She asked.
"Sounds good," I said. She nodded turning on the radio. We pulled into pizza hut. She grabbed my shirt cover befor we walked in and got out her phone camera,"really Al a selfie?" She giggled and nodded turning to the camera, she stuck out her tongue I did the same. She snapped a picture and posted it on instagram. She got (fav topping) pizza. I just got cheese, "So this new house, how's the outside look?"
"It looks pretty nice," she said wipping her face. I nodded, "Ya know it's not so far from the apartments maybe we could have sleep overs once and a while." She said with a quick giggle. I chuckled.
"Ya we could play smash."
"And make popcorn!"
"Watch movies!"
"Talk about shipping!"
"Errm..." She said, "paint each other's nails!" I stared at her then we started laughing. I put my hand in my pocket reaching for my phone, but instead I grabbed a small box with purple wrapping paper. I looked down at it and sighed. Then looked at Aletta's who was staring at her phone, 'dang it Aly why do you make me feel this way?' "Hey max... MAX! You OK?" Aletta's said waving her hand in my face. I shook my head quick.
"What.. Oh ha ya in fine," I said, "Aly I wanted to give you something..."
"Um.. What is it?" She asked.
"Well I can't tell you," I said. She giggled.
"Ha yeah," she said. My hands shook as I lifted the box over the table, "Max are you OK? You're shaking like a left during a storm." I nodded, 'datura this this is heavy when you're nervous.' I handed her the box.

Ross's POV
I was playing smash with Adam and Alesa. "Ross stop winning!" Adam shouted!
"Shh Mason is a sleep," Alesa scolded.
"Ugh never mind," she said bopping Adam on the head walking upstairs to get Mason. I slightly laughed and opened up my Instagram. Aletta and Max were at pizza hut. I sighed.
"You OK dude?" Adam asked me, "you've been down in the dumps lately." I shrugged my shoulders.
"I guess," I said taking a sip of my mountain dew.
"You guess?" Adam said, "dude talk to me, I'm here for ya."
"Well I kinda like Aletta," I said.
"And she dosent like you back?" Adam said. I nodded.
"And I think she likes Max," I said.
"So..." Adam said, "your jealous?"
"Nooo... Pff," I said, "ugh kinda."
"The thing is he likes her back..."
"Oh Ross I'm sorry it's just... How do I say... Let me just tell you this there are 7 billion people on this planet you've probably only met 1 to 1.5% of those people, not even, and you're probably only gonna ever meet 3% of them. 1 out of that 3% is bound to like you. Plus you're only 19 don't worry about it. You've got a long while til you need to get married." I nodded he was right I just need to meet the right girl.
Clare: hey Ross wanna hang out Saturday afternoon and play some smash?

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