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this is a mess (also i'm not trying to like end the world) this was literally written at 4am sooo ._.
One day; that's all we have left. How would you spend your last 24 hours on earth? When I woke up the whole world was buzzing about this questionable new information. We all knew the end would come eventually; of course nothing lasts forever, however nobody expected it to come this soon. The first thing I felt that morning was calm, when it suddenly hit me; this is it. I jumped up out of bed and decided that for one day in my life I would make it truly worth living. After all this time of living, procrastinating, wasting my life away, I never truly appreciated life itself until that moment when I realised that in less than 24 hours it would be over. The whole of humanity would die, leaving no one left to remember any of us or anything that we created. Then I thought maybe, just maybe, hundreds, maybe thousands of years from now, life would again arise on this earth. If that was to actually happen, what would they find? What could they piece together from what we leave behind today? How could they find out what we were living for? Were we even living for a reason or just living because we were born? So many questions yet so little time left to answer them...

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