i have been tagged

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hey so i have been tagged by GodHatesKeera  to say 10 facts about me, although im not that interesting so this may be a lil boring

1. josh dun is my dad and i love him and tyler very much
2. winter is my fav season i love christmas and that's when i go skiing
3. i'm 13 years old how great
4. i have two fluffly smol rabbos called ben and jerry
5. i have a shark it's only smol tho
6. i dont sleep; sleEP IS FOR THE WEAK
7. i hate it when people make grammatical errors soz boz
8. i like puns, which is why i now have a frayed knot in my pocket for future use
9. im hella sarcastic and lowkey offensive
10. i give no fucks about anything chillllllll all the wAY

btw that picture of me was from halloween i am sadly not actually a wizard although i would love to be

ok now that's over i gotta tag some people here we go
((you are my only friends you don't actually have to do it))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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