what even is this

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absence of capitalisation intentional (it's just how i roll)

i don't think i am a sentimental person, i just don't want every single good memory i have to be futile after inevitably being forgotten. to think that time both before and after this moment is infinite and that every single living thing in this world right now is only an impossibly small fraction of the whole of humanity. one day there will be nothing left, every living thing will die and the only thing left in the universe will be the inanimate objects that we leave behind. when that eventually happens, whether it be soon or thousands of years from now, there will be no one to remember anything by. no matter how famous or irrelevant you are in your life, everybody will be forgotten, every moment in the entire universe no longer relevant, every invention and discovery completely futile, because what's the point in even trying if everything will inevitably sucked into nonexistence right?? i don't think that's completely true though; everybody saying there is no point if there is no achievement, however it is not about that, it's about living. if you want to have a good life; even if it won't be remembered forever, you must live to the full. religious people believe that the will go to heaven if they have a good life in order to have a better 'eternal life', and i completely respect that. the same with life in general, people go to school and college to ensure a good future when we are not even guaranteed to have a future. so, in my opinion, people need to live more (and i know this sounds weird coming from someone who stays inside their entire life on youtube and tumblr and reading gay smut (don't judge)) but if people want to have a good life; even if it won't be remembered forever, they must live to the full, not by throwing away their futures, but by living spontaneously and not caring about what others think. as, after all, the only time you have on this earth is now, and now is the only time you have to leave your mark on the earth, so that you may not be as quickly forgotten as now, so take this time to do something with your life, no matter what you think, now is now and you can do whatever you want with it (unless you're in school bc school's a bitch and you will hopefully be out of there soon so you can use your 'now' to it's full potential)
if you get my drift

I'm not insane I promiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora