Don't Cry

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Adam's pov
Bree and I were watching a movie when  Big D (Mr. Davenport) called "Adam, Bree, Chase?! I need you three to do something" we all went down to the lab and sat down. "What is it?" Bree asked. "It's time for..... THE ANNUL BLOOD TEST!!" All of us moaned. "Oh, come on. This is fun." Big D said. After all the blood checks were done we had to go to bed. I was in the middle, Bree on my left and Chase on my right. (Sorry I switched it up) We all went to bed till the sun came up.
6:00 am
Bree's pov
I woke up at the crack of dawn with Adam snoring, when Mr. Davenport came in really worried. "What's wrong?" I asked waiting for him to talk back. "I can't believe it! Something had to had changed over the year?!" Mr. Davenport said. Adam was just getting up and yawning while saying "Good Morning everyone!"
Mr. Davenport's pov
I can't believe that Adam and Bree aren't related and Chase is related to Bree!! This can't be though, last year every thing was fine. I have to tell them...
Adam's pov
"Adam, Bree and Chase?" Big D asked. "Yeah?" We all asked in unison. "Bree and Chase have the same DNA sets... And Adam doesn't"
Bree's pov
I can't believe Mr. Davenport lied to us for the last 16 years of our lives... I saw Adam starting to tear up which sort-of made me. I've never seen Adam cry before. As he left the room I started screaming "Mr. Davenport?? How could you lie to us all these years?!" Mr. Davenport said back sweetly "Bree, please let my explain!" "No, you have nothing else to say. I'm leaving"
"You can't"
"Watch me."
Adam's pov
As I was walking down to the lab I saw Bree sitting at the console bawling into tears. Now that we're not related it would be weird if we had feelings for each other.I don't think she knew I was there though. Before I could stop myself, I was already sitting next to her and hugging her to death. "Hey, Hey, don't cry!"
"Why shouldn't I?"
"Look, I have a secret that I haven't told anyone. I need to tell you. Fallow me"
In a closet
"Look Bree I...LOVE.... You...."
"Yes Adam, and I love you too"
"No, I love you more than a sibling."
Before Bree could answer I have already gave her a peck on the lips. I can't believe I just did that. She probably thinks I'm weird now. All these things were running through my head, when she kissed me back. We took it passonite and I kissed her up against the wall. Bree was moaning. When we heard the lab elevator go "Ding"
"Bree before we get out... Will you go out on a date with me tomorrow night around 6?"
It went silent
She left. I was so exided.

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