6. write a song with me

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On Sunday I woke up and checked my phone. It was 10:13, and underneath I saw a text from Michael. It read..

{{{The text}}}
Morning. I slept in so late from last night. Lol. But to be sure with you that date was a friends date. But I hope that you didn't care. Any way meet me by my place. 156th street Los avenue, Richmond Neighborhood. So yea see ya then. P.s bring your song notebook.

I replied back and put "okay, sounds good :)." Wow what time should I go over there? I'll go at 2.

I went downstairs and made breakfast and coffee. I totally forgot I have work tomorrow. I'm really nervous. But now that I have gotten used to Michael I think I'll be ok.

***Michael's POV***
I invited Bianca over so I can show her around my house and we can write a song together. I hope she'll accept that we can both go up to a big music producer studio to talk about getting our music out there.

I really want to be a singer. Sing my heart out everyday. And maybe even tour with Bianca if she accomplishes her dream. Oh boy were definitely talking to the music producer.

A couple hours later it was 2 and i didn't know when Bianca was coming over. Until all of a sudden I see a white jeep pull up. Yes! It was Bianca. She had a black thick strap tank top with jeans and timberlins. And her hair was really curly as she wore it down.

"Hey! Come in." I greeted her in.

"Wow, you have a nice place. I'm freaking jealous." She said as she looked around. "You must be those pretty rich guys." I wanted to laugh so hard at what she said.

"What? Hahah, Bianca remember my childhood story last night at dinner?" I said smiling.

"Yeah, but look you have this and I just live in a normal 2 story house! That my parents bought me! I didn't even work for that house, what so ever."

"Same. But I did work for this house after I started owning my music business. But mostly my parents helped me buy it. They went bankrupt after buying this house for me. I felt bad, so every Monday I would give them money. I still do."

"Aw that's sad but also really sweet they did something like that. How are they earning money now?"

"My dad still works, and mom does make up so there good for now." He said walking away as I started following him.

"Well that's good." I said sitting on the tip of the couch.

"I guess. Want anything?"

"No I'm okay, thanks though." I said looking around his big living room.

"So I see you brought your notebook." He said sitting next to me on the couch with a little bowl of strawberries.

"Well duh, you told me to haha. Unless you want me to put it in the car."

"No, no I was just saying cause I didn't know you would actually bring it."

"Well yeah." I said smiling looking at my notebook.

"But very slick way to play hard to get huh?" He said grabbing his notebook off the automins.

"It's my little secret." I smirked and took a strawberry.

"So show me some of your songs!" I asked picking up another strawberry.

"Not unless you show me yours first." His face started getting a little red.

"Sounds like a deal apple head." We switched notebooks and he have me a confused look when I called him that.

"I'm a what now? He said laughing in a confused way.

"Nothin." I said scanning his songs with a strawberry in my mouth. It was quiet for a little bit. "Michael these songs are great. I love smooth criminal. How do you come up with these lyrics?"

"Funny story actually, I got the song title from the news a couple nights ago. And the lyrics just come to me."

"That's so cool." I said flipping the page to another song.

"I love this song!" He said happily.

"What song?" I said leaning towards him. "Oh angles cry? Yea it's ight."

"These lyrics are really good though! It's sounds like a beautiful song. What's your way of writing songs, besides drinking cherry wine." I giggled a little bit when he said that.

"A light song with no lyrics, and a comfortable setting, for instance my bed and it either has to be sunset, rainy, or even dark. Daylight is just where I'm energized and thoughts are not ticking to me at the time." I looked around as I got done speaking.

"Huh, that'a really cool. I'm going to try that some time." I laughed a little.

It was quiet for a little bit. Until I heard Michaels voice starting to speak.

"Will you write a song with me?" He spoke softly.

"Sure." Inside I'm actually freaking out.

  Play it coo, play it coo

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