Thought: Matsouka Gou

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warning: this is girl x girl so if you aren't into that stuff you can wait for my next update.


Never in your entire life had you thought you would turn out like this. 

You thought you would be a happy, carefree girl. 

Now you realized that dream was an empty promise; or a front used on others.  

You were empty; nothing but a shell. 

At first it started out with standing in front of the mirror and silently judging yourself. 

"You've been doing it again haven't you, (F/N)?" your best friend Gou frowned.

"Doing what?" you gave a false cheery smile, one that you have been putting up for months. 

"Don't be stupid with me." with a huff, she shoved a bento in your face. "You haven't eaten in days. It isn't healthy to do that."  

"Oh... Arigatou." just to make her happy you slowly started nibbling on her lunch, "but Gou, what are you going to eat now?"

Once you said her name a blush dusted her cheeks, "You need it more than I do." her slim fingers went on your head and ruffled (H/L), (H/C) locks. "Eat up."

Why did she have to notice all your pain? Tears stung your eyes only to be wiped away with the sleeve of your uniform.

Then slowly it became crying yourself to sleep every night. The first day /she/ had noticed the slight redness in your eyes while you laughed away with some classmates.

On the second day your bloodshot eyes had been even more notable. But still, you kept on smiling and laughing.

Suddenly you went from crying yourself to sleep to just crying all night. Nights turned into weeks; long drawn out weeks. You were drinking a lot of coffee and wearing makeup even though it was forbidden. 

You had wanted it all to just end.

It was killing Gou to see you like this. Keeping up this strong, stoic character in public while in private you became a mess.  

"Ne, (F/N), you want to spend the night tonight?" the muscle obssessed girl smiled while leaning on your desk.

"I have plans already..." you avoided the beaming girl's face in hopes she wouldn't know you're lying.

"Of course you will come! I'll come get you at the end of the day!" 

The end of the day seemed to come too fast according to you. The only thing you wanted to do was go home and stare at the ceiling and pretend to sleep. 

 As promised from Gou, she had showed up in front of your desk once more. 

"Are you ready to go?" her happiness couldn't help but make you smile as well.

"As ready as I will ever be." the smile on your face shocked her, she hadn't seen your genuine smile in months.

 A faint blush tinged her cheeks. "Alrighty! Then let's go." 

Things were going so well at her house. You were having a good time, it had been a long time since you've hung out with her since you've been too busy being... well, whatever you were doing.

Your melodic laughs kept finding her ears, which in turn kept her eager to make you happy again.

"Ah! Gou I haven't had this much fun in a long time." you moaned out as your back hit her mattress.

"(F/N)! Call me Kou!" with a pout she landed with a thud right next to you. Unintentionally she wrapped her arms around your hips and pulled you closer. 

"Why? I like your real name, Gou." with a teasing grin your nose crinkles. You didn't mind the closeness, in fact, you welcomed it. 

Kou had never seen a sight more beautiful. She honestly never knew why your believed you were so hideous. "(F/N), you're so beautiful." her eyes searched yours with adoration. At least that is what you thought at the moment. 

"Me? Oh no... I am far from beauty." just like that, your bright happy aura was shut off. "I'm actually quite ug--"

"No stop! You are gorgeous! You need to stop looking in the mirror every night!" her face was now very stern, "You also need to eat more!"

"Okay mom." you rolled your eyes and turned away from the rehead. 

"No, (L/N), I am not letting this go." crawling on top of you, she looked you in the eyes. "You're too good to be crying every single night. You look like you haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks! This is going to ruin your body!"

"Why should you care?!" 

"Why?! because..." and with that sentence Gou started listing things and reasons why she should. "... and most of all it's because I love you!" 

Oh god, did she just confess?

Both of your cheeks were flamey as you stared each other in the eyes. Her blush was out of embarrassment when yours was from shock.   

"G-g-g-g-g-gomen!" she waved her hands in front of her face, still straddling you. 

"Sorry for what?" a soft smile formed on your lips while one of your cold hands found her cheek. Her face got even redder but she kept her gaze on yours. 

"I mean, you probably don't like me like that..."

"I do." leaning up, you captured her lips with yours. After she comprehended what was happening her eyes fluttered closed as she kissed you back. 

Just like that, your depression was killed with a kiss. It was the switch you needed to flip a long time ago.


I tried to do angst... obviously it didn't up all angsty, unless you are against gays... then it might be offensive? idk what it would be like to not like gays.

Anyways, i hope you enjoyed reading this i will update again soon hopefully.

send in request if any are there 


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