Pickup Lines: Mikoshiba Seijuro

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Ever since the first day he first saw you he knew that the two of you would get married. It wouldn't be anytime soon, but he knew it was bound to happen. 

His love story with you started on a brisk fall morning. It was his second class of the day and he was playing around with his friends when a person walked past that seemed to be a goddess. She had (H/L), (H/C) hair that bounced perfectly around her face as she laughed with her friends. Her smile was perfect, white like the foam on the ocean and bright like the sun. But the thing that really got his attention were her eyes. They were the perfect shade of (E/C). Her eyes just looked so soft, free, and happy. Seijuro had decided: there was no why she wasn't a goddess. She even sat down like one too. 

"Oi oi!" his old swim buddy, Rin, hit the back of his head.  "Are you even listening to me, or are you too busy gawking at girls?!" 

"Yeah yeah." Seijuro waved the younger off before he started his way towards the beautiful, nameless female. It wasn't strange for the second year college student to go and flirt with random women, but this time he had intentions of taking this girl out, and not just on one date. 

He walked over to her with swagger, fingers combing through his hair before he stopped next the group of friends. Now readjusting his jacket, he stared at the younger female with what he hoped to be interest. After a couple of minutes of going unnoticed he cleared his throat. 

It seemed to work, catching their attention. She was smiling but it quickly faded when she saw him. Of course she had assumed that he was there for one of her friends since they seemed to be the ones that had attracted the males with their 'sexy' images compared to her hipster image. Her friend's faces lit up in excitement once they realized who it was. Everyone knew about the college's star swimmer; he was not only the best, but he was also the captain. Oh, and he wasn't a tool. 

"Can we help you?" the girl's friend with dyed hair asked. She was clearly hoping he would be talking to her with how she instantly changed how she was standing.

When the (H/C) girl stood up to leave, his hand reached up to turn her around. She was honestly shocked to see he was there to see her. No, this must be wrong. (F/N) must have done something to offend him accidently. 

"Are you a magician?" the male took a step closer to her as he procided with his pickup line, "because when I look at you everything disappears." 

The look on her face was priceless. A blush instantly spread across her cheeks and her eyes widened while her mouth opened and closed multiple times as she tried to respond.

"Don't worry, I'll have more read for you tomorrow." he pressed a kiss on her cheek and walked away, hands in his pockets and a grin on his face.

*Extended Ending*

Once he walked away a smile broke out on her face before she started giggling. 

"Did you girls see that?! Aaaaaaaaaaah!"


Sorry it has taken me like five years to update. I've had really bad writers block and I've had a lot of muse for twitter so I have been spending a lot of time on that. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!


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