Surprise! : Rin Matsuoka

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 A groan slipped past her lips as she fell back on her boyfriend's bed. Kou had said that he would be coming home today, but apparently, she was wrong. Her little hands pulled his blankets up to her chin before turning on her side and hugging half the pillow she was using.

Unable to fall asleep, the (H/C) haired girl flailed onto her back and unlocked her phone. Despite scrolling through social media, reading fanfics, even playing a little bit of a game; she was still bored. Now she was determined to sleep.

Wrapping herself up in the blanket, she threw the electronics on the other side of the bed so she wouldn't be tempted by them. With lids clamped shut over (E/C) hues, she snuggled into Rin's pillow. 

The mix of his cologne and chlorine that lingered on the fluffy object brought ease to your small body. Being able to at least smell her lover that was away for a swim competition was better than not having anything to remind her of him. Soon, she was in a light slumber...

He was anxious. Rin was promised he would be home in time to eat dinner with his family, he even told Gou to have (F/N) come over. Unfortunately, they had to make a stop to fix their tire. Somewhere along their way home, they ran over something that caused air to slowly trickle out of it. He wanted to text (F/N), tell her what happened, but his phone fell into the warm down pool at the tournament. 

His fingers slipped in his hair then shook the red strands out of frustration. It was now well past midnight that they finally arrived in the city. The team still had to have their meeting over how they swam... That would take another half an hour. All he wanted to do was see (F/N), but he assumed that she had already gone back to her house. 

As soon as the car stopped he was out and stretching; the ride surely took a lot out of him. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he started towards the building that held his practice pool, meeting room, and many memories. The only memories he wanted right now were ones with her, the girl he wanted hold so close right now; one he hasn't seen in weeks due to the meet.

Finally he was able to run home. There was no way that he would take the time to mess around with his car key, it would only cause him to hit traffic. He pushed one leg in front of the other as fast as he could, he just felt like home was the place to get to... something good was bond to be waiting there. 

Fumbling around for his house key, he pushed open the door to be greeted by darkness. The house was obviously sleeping, it was so silent that he knew the feeling he had in his stomach was wrong. If (F/N) had been there, the house wouldn't have felt like this. A red bag hit the ground as he sulked up the stairs. He didn't want to deal with anything before going to bed.

Before he pushed open his bedroom door, his head thudded against it in disappointment. He flipped the switch on and went to his dresser thinking nothing of the body in his bed... Wait a body in his bed???

He whipped around, eyes capturing the slim form of his girlfriend. She looked so adorable wrapped up in his duvet. His pillows were on either side of her head and her body was all balled up (minus one leg that was just pushed way forward). After changing into his pajamas, he got the light off then slowly made his way to somewhere he longed to be: by her side. 

A chuckle left his lips as he lifted up part of the blanket so he could slip into it. His arm instantly went to rest on her hip as he left little kisses all over her face.

"Hmmmm, Rin, you're so cold..." even with what she said, she still snuggled closer to him. "Rin?!" she sat up and looked down at him, the biggest smile on her face, "Oh, Rin! I missed you!"

As she moved so did he. After sitting himself up, he pulled her into a tight embrace. "I missed you too babe." her lips moved to be on top of his for several minutes before he took a break to speak once more, "Sorry I'm so late..."

"All that matters is you're here now!" she dropped back on the bed, tugging him down to join her. 

"I love you, (F/N)."

"I love you too, Rin."        

- Extended -

His eyes had been shut for half an hour or so, he knew he was finally about to get to sleep. Suddenly, there was kicking from beside him.

"(F/N)." he groaned out as he pulled her close in an attempt to stop her. 

"Gomen, I'm just so happy you're back." she turned to face him, giving him another kiss.

"Let's just be happy and sleep, okay?"


Minutes later she did it again. Rolling on top of her, his eyes stared deeply into hers.

"If you have this much energy, I'm sure you have energy for some other activities, correct?"


lmao i had fun writing this one as well.

hope you guys enjoyed reading this. 

ill update another story again sometime this week

mainly bc it is my last week of freedom before school starts. 

but the good news is im a senior so yeeeeeeeees

i also have a swim meet today so wish me luck (u rlly dont have im just saying) 

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