Chapter 12

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The next morning:
Teigan and Adam got up bright and early ready for there day in London. "Teigan you ready?" Adam asked from the bedroom. "Yep" Teigan said coming out the bathroom. Teigan was wearing skinny jeans wedged boots a leather jacket a black flowing shirt and a woolly hat because it was cold. Adam was wearing his combat boots jeans a t shirt a leather jacket and a beanie. "You look adorable" Adam said. "Thankyou" Teigan said. They both held hands as they left hotel room and went down to the lobby and out the hotel to where there cab was. They both got into the cab which drove them to the shopping area in London. Adam passed the cab driver the money and they headed through all the shops. "This is like my dream right before my eyes shops/stores + Adam = one hell of a shopping spree" Adam said laughing. "I've never been on a shopping spree before" Teigan said. "Well I'm going to give you your very own" Adam said. Adam pulled teigans hand and ran with her. "Adam why are you so exited" Teigan said laughing as they ran. "Because my beautiful girlfriend one thing you should be aware of with me is that when I'm in a shop there's no limit as to what I can buy" Adam said. They both laughed as they ran into a store. Teigan followed Adam to the men's section. Adam got a huge basket and put jeans in there vest tops checked shirts jackets Blazers you name it Adam would buy it. "Adam babe do you really need all of this" Teigan said standing behind the pilled high basket of clothes Adam was going to purchase. "Aww you've just called me babe" Adam said. Teigan blushed as Adam gave her a quick kiss. "And as for needing all of this yep I need" Adam said. "Don't worry your next" Adam said. "What" Teigan asked. "Your having your own shopping spree next curtesy of me" Adam said. "Adam I can't let you do that" Teigan said. "I can" Adam said. Adam carried the heavy basket to the till and payed for it. "That will be £900 please" the woman at the till said. Adam passed her his gold card and she swiped it. "Adam that's a lot of money" Teigan whispered to Adam. Adam got his card back and put his bags in one of his hands and put the other round teigans shoulders. "Being a director has its Benefits you know" Adam said. They both laughed. "Now which shop do you want to go in first" Adam said. "I don't know any of these shops" Teigan said embarrassed. "Well then let's start in this one" Adam said. They walked into this one shop and Adam held the basket for Teigan. "Anything you like the look of just out it in here" Adam said pointing to the basket. "Adam I can't let you.." Teigan was interrupted by Adam putting his finger on her lips. "Baby just shop" Adam said. Teigan looked around the shop "is this OK " Teigan asked showing Adam a dress. "Well do you like it" Adam asked. "I like it but I need to run it by you what I'm wearing" Teigan said. "You don't need to run it by me what you wear Teigan" Adam said. Adam took the dress out if teigans hands slowly and gently placed it in the basket. "If you like it then I will get it for you its not up to me what you wear" Adam said with a comforting smile. They looked around the shop more and as time progressed more things got in the basket. "Aww Teigan look at this" Adam said holding up a baby tshirt saying "my daddy rocks". Teigan smiled at him. "Okay maybe it is a little cute" Teigan said. One of the women who worked in the store walked over to Adam and Teigan who were looking at the baby clothes. "Expecting?" She asked. "No no no" Teigan said. "Aww if you both ever did have children they would be the cutest baby's ever" she said. Teigan and Adam both smiled awkwardly and the women walked off. Adam payed for teigans clothes then they birth took a stroll to the London eye and got on. Teigan and Adam stood against the railing and took in all the view of London as the London eye slowly reached the top. "The view is beautiful" Teigan said,. "Not as beautiful as you" Adam said. Teigan blushed. They both stood quietly and looked around the view. "This really is amazing" Teigan said. "I know what can make it even more better" Adam said. Teigan turned around to Adam. "And what is that" she said. "This" he replied. He leaned in and kissed Teigan slowly. They both pulled away for air and looked into eachothers eyes. "I love you" Adam said. "I love you too Adam" she replied. They finished going on the London eye and took a slow walk back to the hotel. They arrived back at the hotel and went up to their room. As soon as they got up to their room Adam put the bags down and flopped down on the bed. "I'm exhausted" Adam said. "Join the club Adam" Teigan said. Teigan put her phone on charge and grabbed her bath robe. "I'm going to head for a shower Adam" Teigan said. Adam stood up and pulled Teigan closer. "Mind if I join you" he said. "Erm actually I would mind" Teigan said. "But I need to use the shower too and what better way than to share it with the girl I love" Adam said. "Can't you get one after me" Teigan said. "You really don't want to share a shower with me do you" Adam said. "It's not that it's just well erm it would be no space" Teigan said. "The bathroom is huge" Adam said. "And I want to just want to save water" Adam said laughing. Teigan took a deep breathe "okay" she said. Adam grabbed his bath robe and they both headed into the bathroom. Teigan hid behind the door and got unchanged. "Teigan I'm going to see you in the shower" Adam said. "No your not" she said. She waited till Adam turned his back and ran to the shower and put the shower curtain over. Adam got in the shower. "Babe are you okay" Adam said. "I just don't want you to see me" she whispered. "But your beautiful" Adam said. "I'm not" Teigan said. Adam moved the shower curtain and Teigan turned around so Adam couldn't see her. Adam ran his hand down Teigans and over teigans back. "Your body is beautiful" Adam said. "It's not it's disgusting don't look at me please" she said. Adam turned her around to face him but she looked away. Adam lifted teigans face and looked at her in the eyes. "Your body is the most sexy beautiful body I've ever seen" Adam said. "It's not it's really not Adam" Teigan said. Adam looked down and held teigans hands. He looked down again and saw endless amounts of scars on her wrists and thighs. "Teigan what are they" Adam said worried. Teigan looked down. "Shit the makeup came off" she said panicking. She got out the shower and put her bath robe on. "This is why I didn't want you sharing a shower with me" she cried. She ran out the bathroom and Adam put his bath robe on and ran after her. Teigan was standing looking out the window. "Teigan why are they there" Adam said. "I don't want to talk about it" Teigan said. "Teigan there's a scar on your back now deep and painful ones on your wrist and thighs" Adam said. "I'm scared for you Teigan what happened to you I can help you" Adam said. Teigan shook her head "you can't Adam" she whispered. "How did you get them Teigan" Adam said. "I can't tell you" Teigan said. "Why can't you" Adam said. "Because he will hurt me" Teigan cried. "Who,who will hurt you" Adam said worried. "Teigan what happened to you" Adam asked. Teigan turned around to Adam. "I was abused adam mentally physically emotionally and sexually" Teigan sobbed...

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