Chapter 19

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A few months later:
"Are you nervous for the show in a few weeks" Adam asked. "Im petrified" Teigan said. Adam put his arm around her "you will be fine" Adam said. Adam kissed her cheek. "Do you fancy going out for a meal tonight" Adam asked. "That would be great" Teigan said smiling. "Well the place I was thinking of taking us is pretty good so we need to get ready now it's already getting late" Adam said. "Okay Adam" Teigan said. Teigan and Adam went upstairs and went into there bedroom and got ready. "The bathrooms free if you want to use it" he asked. "I think I might get ready in here if that's okay" she asked. Adam smiled "of course it is" he said. Adam done his hair into a elvis style and put on a smart black tuxedo, "I'm ready Teigan are you done yet" Adam asked. "Nope" Teigan Said laughing, Adam laughed too. "I will wait for you downstairs then" he said. Adam went downstairs and Teigan got ready in the bedroom. She straightened her hair and let it all fall over one shoulder. She done her makeup a smoky eye and dark red lip the same colour as her dress. She put her dress on and some black heels. Jason's voice popped into her head. "You arnt beautiful you look like a whore". Teigan fixed her dress and looked In the mirror. "And you look like a dick Jason but you don't see me saying that all the time" she said back. She was shocked at what she just said Adam made her feel so safe that she didn't care what Jason said anymore. He broke her so much but Adam fixed her and made her love again when she never thought she would. She adjusted her hair and put her lipstick in her bag and smiled for once she felt well..

She went downstairs and Adam came out of the kitchen. "Woah" is all Adam could say. "You don't think I've overdressed do you or anything the dress isn't to short is it" she asked. Adam held teigans face. "Babe you look beautiful and really really sexy" Adam said. "Really?" She asked. "Really really" Adam replied. Adam held teigans hand "let's go" he said. He held teigans hand till they got to the car. He opened the door for her "what a gentleman" she said. Adam smiled and got into the car and drove to the restaurant. They finally arrived at the restaurant. "Wow Adam this really is a flashy restaurant isn't it" she said. "Well I do like to dine in style" he said. They both laughed and walked Into the restaurant. "Reservation for mr Lambert please" Adam said. The waiter looked at the list "we have saved you our best table mr Lambert with the best views if you follow me this way" the waiter said. Teigan and Adam followed the waiter outside to a table outside with a riverside view and candles lit. The waiter passed Adam the menus and went back inside. Adam pulled teigans chair back for her and then sat down himself. "Wow Adam you didn't have to do all of this" she said. "I wanted to though" Adam said, Teigan looked around. "Wow the view is beautiful" she said. "Not as beautiful as you though" he said. Teigan blushed. The waiter came back "what drinks would you like" he asked. "A bottle of champagne and 2 of your finest tequilas please " Adam asked. The waiter nodded his head and went back inside to get Teigan and Adams drinks. "I've never tried tequila" Teigan said. "Well Teigan as a firm lover of tequila and being your boyfriend you were going to try it at some point" Adam said. They both laughed, the waiter came back with Teigan and Adams drinks and walked off. Adam popped the champagne and poured him and Teigan and drink. He lifted his glass to do a cheers with Teigan. "Here's to 6 months of us being together and hopefully many many more" Adam said. They both done a cheers and drank there champagne. "Now onto the tequila" Adam said. They both held there tequila glasses. Adam started drinking his straight away until his glass was empty where as Teigan drank hers really slowly. Adam sat there laughing. Teigan put her glass down once she was finished. "So?" Adam said. "It's nice I must admit" Teigan said. Shortly after they had there drinks they ordered food. "Is your food okay" Adam asked. "It's great yours?" Teigan replied. "It's really nice" Adam said. They finished there food and payed for it. "Thank You very much" Adam said. Adam and Teigan stood near the river and looked out. "You look so beautiful tonight teigan" Adam said. "Thankyou Adam and you look very handsome too" Teigan said. Adam wrapped his arms around teigans waist and kissed her slowly. Teigan snaked her arms around Adams neck. They both pulled away for air. "Thankyou for an amazing night" Teigan said. "Your welcome anything for you" Adam said. They both walked back to the car hand in hand. Adam looked in the mirror. "And Thankyou for the lipstick smears on my lips too" Adam laughed. Teigan bit her lip and laughed. Adam leaned in close. "You look so sexy when you do that" he whispered. "Really" Teigan said. "Really" Adam said. He leaned in and kissed Teigan again. They both pulled away for air and Teigan wiped the lipstick off Adams lips and got in the car and so did Adam. Adam drove back home and opened the door for Teigan. He wrapped his arm around teigans waist as they walked in. Teigan kicked off her heels and sat down on the sofa. Adam sat next to her. "I love you so much" Adam said. "And I love you too Adam so so much more than you can ever imagine I was so lost before I met you, you make me feel safe you make me feel loved and special and beautiful and I've never felt that before I know when I'm with you nothing can hurt me and you won't hurt me which is why.." Teigan said. "What babe" Adam said.
"I'm ready Adam .. I'm ready to give myself to you" she said.

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