Chapter 6

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Four words or things I can remember from last night.
Cherry Bomb. Vodka. Wasted. Boy with beautiful hazel eyes. That are the little things I remember before everything became black.


POV Travis

What the hell is she doing in here? That is the first question that popped into my head when I saw her enter the bar. That was non of my business. But now it is.

The room is cold and fells disgusting I hate to be here. In a room where people get sick, where people die...or something like that. I try to touch her hand. Only to hold her, if it's only one piece of her whole body, it's okay. She is the room. Her fingernails are painted in a shade of dark blue color, she is pale and her eyes beautiful big brown eyes are closed. She opens here eyes when I try to touch her soft lips but she closes them again.

I decide to stay a few more minutes. I don't want her to see me after what happened last time. So I speak with the doctor one last time. He said that she'll be okay, and that he will call me when she wakes up.
But I decided to tell him that I didn't want him to call me or anything, because she isn't my girlfriend or anything like that.

I brought her to the hospital because she helped me when I was drunk.
I walk to the little room where she is sleeping and see her one last time. I start to walk step by step where she is sleeping and I give her a soft kiss on her forehead and then I leave the room. I don't know why I did that...but I like the way it feels to kiss someone that cares about you. Does she care for me? Why would she? She doesn't even know me.

I take my keys out of my pocket and start my car. I start some music and roll the windows down. When I was driving through a tunnel, I find myself thinking about Jess. I find her annoying. I don't like her.
But...why the hell did I kiss her last time?

Ohhh, I know.


POV Jess

When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is a white light. Where the hell am I ? I ask to myself. My head is pounding. Everything is blurry.
I try to stand up, but I can't. Why? Where am I?
Then I saw a little tub connected to my arm and I knew exactly where I'm. At the hospital.

How did I end up here ? Then a man which I suppose is the doctor entered the room. He closed the door behind him and took place on a chair next to my stretcher.

"Hi, Jessica" The doctor says, while he leafed through some papers. "I'm Peter your doctor" he gives me a little smile and continue. "I only wanted to inform you that you are okay and that is no problem so you can go home after we make you a few blood test, after that you are free to go"

"But Dr. who brought me here?" If I was drunk, I couldn't drive and I don't have a car so...who brought me?

"Ohhh," The Dr. made a pause and continued. "Your boyfriend...mmm"

"Ben?" How could Ben bring me here? He wasn't even there...wasn't he?

"No, wait...ehh. Travis !" He almost screamed.

"What!" No, no, he couldn't! But why? That was the last name I thought he would say. Where is he now? Is he still here?

"Yes, he left an hour ago" He says. I have no words. I have nothing to say. Because I don't know how too feel.

They made me two more exams and then they told I could leave. I have no car so I decide to call Nate. He said he could pick me up. So I waited in the waiting room. 20min. later he parks in front of the hospital. I walk to the car, I open the passenger door and sat down.

"Hi, Jess" He said with a big smile. "What happened ? Are you okay ?" Nate asks with a worried face.

"Yes, I'm okay." I said with a faked smile. How could I lie to him ? He's one of my best friend. But I don't know what to say. I'm afraid that he is going to judge me.

We stay the whole drive in silence. We enter to a tunnel and then I start to wonder, that there are a few things in life that are so beautiful that they hurt, swimming in the ocean while it rains, reading alone in empty libraries, the sea of stars that appear when you are miles away from the neon lights of the city, bars after 2am, walking in the wilderess, all the phases of the moon, the things you don't know about the universe and the things you don't know about you. That are the little things that are so beautiful that they hurt. The last thing I thought about before I closed my eyes was. Is that, we see what we want to see. And we can't change anything about it...

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