Chapter 11

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When I woke up he wasn't there. He wasn't here. With me, on his bed. After what we did last night how could he just leave ? It's silly isn't it ? You could be surrounded by the people who love you, but think about who don't. That's how I feel about Travis. I still love Ben but I don't think about him, I think about Travis. But when I think about Ben this comes to my head "It hurts when you realize that you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were." Ben didn't even try to call me or talk to me and he didn't either try to come to my room. His an asshole. But a part of me still loves him.

I climb out of Travis bed and walk to the door. Everything is a mess, cups on the floor, food, even people are sleeping on the floor...disgusting.

I rush through the stairs and walk to the door and leave the frat house. I will never in my entire life come back again.

I have no one to drive me back to my dorm, shit. I have to get a car.

When I'm close to the dorms it starts to rain. But like with thunders and all that stuff. So I rushed to the building where my dorm is.

"Are you okay ?" A males voice asks behind me.

I turn around. "Ohh, yes. I'm just little wet from the rain." I said nervous. He's very very handsome, he has brown hair, big hazel green eyes, his hair is combed back and he's wearing an NYU pullover, black converse and khakis.

"Are you sure ?" The guy said. "If you want I can walk with you there ?" He asked. "My name is Parker," Parker said with a big smile on his face.

He seems to be nice and decent. "Okay, yeah sure" He pushed me a little with his hand behind my back and walked with me to my dorm.

"Are you cold ?" He asked. I nodded and he took his NYU pullover of and gave it to me, it smelled like Abercrombie. I laugh at my thoughts. I thank him and he smiled. His smile is perfect, white teethes and pink lips.

"Here it is," I said. "Thanks." I was about to pull his pullover of but he stopped me by touching my arm.

"You can keep it," He smiled."It looks good on you." He said caressing my arm.

"No really it's yours," I said. He smiled and nodded, from that moment I knew he wouldn't let me give him the pullover back.

I took my key and opened the door. Aspyn wasn't there now that she has a boyfriend she isn't all the time in the room, but I don't judge her. I think that's who Gigi felt when I was with Ben.

Gigi is my best friend she will come next week and join me here in the NYU, she is with her family in Thailand. She loves to travel.

"What's your name ?" Parker interrupts you thoughts. "I never asked for you name." He said.

"Jess," I said. My cheeks started to burn. I'm all flushed.

"Well, Jess what...what are you going to do on Friday night ?" He asked nervously.

"I think I'm going to study." I said. "Why ?" I had to ask.

"Ohh, you know..." He let out a deep breath and continue."We could go out, like on a date ? If you want." He was nervous, that's cute.

I giggled, he was all flushed."Yeah sure," I smiled. I wasn't sure about it...but I had to try. Only one date that's all.

His smile grow, he got closer to me and hugged me. "Okay, then see you on Friday ?" He said and I nodded. He's very handsome and cute.

He walked out of the door and closed the door behind him.
I started to smile the second he left. I was happy for the first time in a while.

I decided to take a shower. I took my little bathroom bag and went to the bathroom. I opened the hot water and then the cold water, the water felt good on my body it felt like I had no problems in my life. Then I took the shampoo and started to wash my hair. Like 10min. later I climbed out and wrapped a towel on my hair. I took my pj shorts and putted Parker's NYU pullover on. I know it looks like I'm obsessed with it or with him but it isn't like that I only like the smell.

I'm very anxious for the date with Parker. I would like to have a real relationshi, like I had with Ben. And that's why said yes, because I had to forget about Ben. Well,no I didn't say yes because I had to forget about Ben I said yes because I wanted.

I took my laptop and started to do some assignments that I got to do for literature. I wrote two pages and then my eyes got tired so I took my glasses of and closed the computer.

I took the sheets and closed my eyes.


POV Travis

When I got back to the room with the towel wrapped around my waist I search the room looking for Jess. She isn't here. Why ?

I grabbed some black jeans and a white shirt from my closet and went to a bar.

"Hey dude !" Luke said when I entered the Cherry Bomb bar. I just pointed at him with my head, and sat down. Every friend of mine is here but there's a blond Girl, she is sitting on Luke's lab she has green eyes. She's very pretty.

"And how is the thing with that chick Jess going ?" Jake asked. I thought he had forgot that.

"Great," I said while I took a sip from my beer. "How long must I keep doing this ?" I asked.

"Till you do what I said you couldn't" Jake said, with a stupid smile on his face. His an asshole. I shouldn't have done this. And otherwise I can't do it.

"This fucking shit is so stupid !" I said almost screaming. I felt angry.

"I don't know, you never did such a thing, we will pay you and it's just a you know what I mean," He stopped talking for a minute and continued. "Well if you don't do it you know what will happen." Jake said. I just nodded and took a sip from my beer.

I have to do this.

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