Chapter 5

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"Boss what should we do with her?" I hear men talking but I don't want them to know I'm awake. "I don't know but she seems close to the Doctor, so maybe he will come to rescue her." I knew the Doctor would come for me but I didn't want that to happen. They could hurt him or Rose. "When we get to the base we will send a little video to the Doctor showing the catch of the day."

One of them reached down and started stroking my hair. I wanted to pull away but, that would show them that I'm awake. "Why do we have to give her back? Can't we just keep her?" I hope they will give me back, I don't want to stay with these pigs. "We just might if the Doctor doesn't meet our terms."

I heard the engine turn off. "Wake the girl up, we don't want anyone to get suspicious." One of them started shaking me trying to get me to wake up. I pretended to be asleep so he picked me up bridal style. "Hey, what are you guys doing with that girl?" Thank god a stranger noticed. "Sir, this is my fiancé. See" He picks my left hand up, I now realize that they had put a ring on my hand. I've got to give it to them that's a good backup plan. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry do forgive me. Congrats on your engagement!"

They take me inside, we walk through a series of halls and rooms. We are in what seems like the old school house that I read about. It's only about thirty minutes from the TARDIS if I did my calculations right. The one carrying me stops while the others keep walking. He sets me down in a chair, ties my arms and legs to the chair, and puts tape over my mouth. He leans down right by my ear. "You just wait here sweetheart, we'll all be back soon enough."

Once he was gone I started searching the room for something that I could use against them. It was no use there was nothing just a big empty room with me in it.

Not to long after they all came back in. This time they had a camera with them. They set it up in front of me while they all put masks on. "Now you listen, we're videoing the Doctor showing him that we have you. Try anything and we will kill you, right in front of him." I just nod my head. They turn the camera on and point a thing at it that looks like what the Doctor used to scan me earlier. "You should be able to see him also if we do this right."

It starts to make a pinging noise like it was searching for something. The guy in the mask stepped in front of me to where the camera couldn't see me.

Its been to long. She should be back by now. Rose and I are in the kitchen. What? The alarms for the TARDIS are going off. "Rose wait here I'll be right back!" I ran to the control room. But there was no one in there. "Hello Doctor" I look at the monitors on the TARDIS and see a strange man in a mask on my screen.

I've got a bad feeling about this man. "Doctor we have something that might be of value to you." I don't show any emotion on my face. I don't want them to know that I'm worried. "Or shall I say someone."

  The masked man steps out of the view of the camera. What I see is what I hoped I wouldn't. Aveala, she looks like she is tied in a chair. She sees me and starts trying to talk against the tape on her mouth. "Aveala! Are you okay? Did they hurt you? I swear if they-" The man steps back in front of her. "Okay Doctor, if you don't answer the questions we have truthfully then she will be punished." I nod unable to say anything in fear for her.

"Okay first question, where is the TARDIS?" I think for a minute before answering. Surely they can't know where we are. "It's with me in Cardiff 1969" The man slowly shakes his head. "Now Doctor, why do you have to lie? You, come here" He pointed to one of his goons offscreen.

  He moved out of the way to where I could see Aveala again. "Punish her!" She starts shaking her head trying to talk but only failing. He punches her in the stomach. "Stop it! Don't hurt her or I will find you and I will make you pay! Aveala? Are you okay?" One tear falls down her face from her large brown eyes that are now filled with fright. Then the same one slaps her across the face.

  "Okay! Okay! I'll tell you anything just don't hurt her anymore. But only on one condition you let her talk to me. For one minute that's all I ask. You can stand there with her. Just one minute. Please I'll answer anything you want after that."

  "One minute that's all you have." He turns around to her and rips the tape off of her mouth not caring if he hurt her. She winces in pain but tries to hide it from me. "Aveala, are you okay?" She nods. "Yes Doctor I think I'm okay. Well other than the fact that I'm kidnapped." She smiles trying to get me to feel better but I feel horrible. "What have they done to you?" She thinks for a minute before answering. "I'm fine, I just wish I had a book. Tell the 2nd Rose I said hey. It seems like there are 73 people here." I have no clue what she is talking about but I play along hoping it is an anagram. "Well I'm glad you're okay. But I swear when I get there-"

  The man appears back into my view and puts tape over her mouth again. "Okay Doctor enough with chit chat lets get down to business." While he is talking I have the TARDIS run through what Aveala said.

  "What do you want with me?" The man hits Aveala again, she screams but it is muffled and it kills me to see her like this. "You don't ask the questions we do."

  The TARDIS has figured out what she meant. She wants her books, 2nd one, page 73! She's giving me a clue! I text Rose and tell her to look at Aveala's books 2nd one page 73. She texts back and says that page is about an only abandoned school house on the other side of London. I know exactly where that is. The man is talking but I don't care.

  "Aveala, I'm coming to get you I promise!" I clicked off of the chat.

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