Chapter 16

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All that was left, was the aftermath of what had just happened. The Doctor was screaming Rose's name, tears streaming down his face, fighting against the soldiers. He had just got her back, he wasn't going to lose her again, he couldn't. He wasn't going to let some over glorified toy soldier take her from him.


Rose, was still limp in the mans arms as he carried her down the street. He had made a right turn when he walked away from the commotion.

He could still hear the doctor screaming, begging for the soldier to bring her back. And as much as this soldier hated to hear that, he couldn't take her back, under any circumstances.

She started to wake up in his arms, and once again he had to turn to the heartless facade he always held. "I didn't set the Damn thing long enough. Hold still." And when he noticed she went to pull away, he grabbed her forearm much harder than he meant to. She winced in pain and stayed still. He turned a dial on the stick before flashing her again, having her slump in his arms once more. He struggled under the weight of the rather small woman.


Pondak wasn't taken as a prisoner, she was taken because she had duties to fulfill. She had skipped town, and it went to shambles after she left. She walked through her office building and was right back to business.

"NO Jim, I don't want you to blow up Scaro for the 73rd time!"

"Jamie, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't want the Imperial Tower looking like a potato, take the brown blinds off of it"

"For chucks sake, John, just take the kitten in another room and play with it."

"NO, JACK! Don't eat that!"

"Good lord hasn't anyone been running the place while I've been gone?!" Her hands went through her hair in frustration as she looked at the mess that once was the Oval Office of Gallifrey.

"No, miss, we've been waiting for you to get back" One of her lower officers answered her with his head hung low in shame.

You would think she was running a daycare, but nope, it was an office full of Timelords.

She had no clue what the doctor and rose were doing, she supposed they were off on some random planet by now.

If she had known what was really happening, she would have done anything to stop it.


The soldiers finally let go of the Doctor, and he tried to run in the direction of where the man took Rose, but there was a biological shield. It would only let someone with the DNA of that soldier and Rose through.

He turned and ran, as fast as he could. With each step he could feel his muscles in his legs screaming in agony. His lungs burning in search for the oxygen they need. His heart pounding in his ears as loud as a thousand drums.

He ran and ran, and he didn't stop until he made it to the TARDIS. He snapped, the doors opening, and he collapsed into the control room, closing the doors with a snap of his fingers.

He caught his breath laying on the floor for a second, before he jumped up and ran to the controls. He tried anything, to get into that place they kept Rose. He tried summoning energy from the nearest star. He tried to genetically modify himself to match the soldier. Yet it was impossible.

He set one destination in the TARDIS, the only place he could go right now.

He pressed the lever down, the familiar sound filling his ears, before he realized he was where he wanted to be. He stepped out of the doors, blinking into the unforgiving sun. The desert around him was hot and condemning. It made him feel as if he had done a million things wrong. He took a couple of steps, fighting against the sun to get to the distant hut. He knew if he could get there, Pondak, she would know something was wrong. He swore he would never come here again, the place he blew up his home planet before his eyes, where he watched his family die.

He took the steps, his grief increasing with each one. He was unable to focus on his emotions, he blocked them out, for himself and for Rose. He had to save her, he just got her back, and he wasn't going to lose her again.

And he was right, as soon as he set foot in the hut, he heard the familiar sound of a TARDIS.

"Doctor, what happened? Why are you here? You said you would never return." She stepped out of the capsule and closer to him.

He hung his head in shame and went to the opposite side of the hut.

"They took her, the soldiers took Rose." His voice was mournful, as if he had lost her all over again.

"Listen Doctor, we will get her back, no matter what it takes" She took two steps in his direction but stopped when she noticed it made him retreat even further from her.

"I just need her back, if it's the last thing I do, I have to have her back" His broken eyes met hers as a tear made its way down his face.

Pondak stepped back into her TARDIS, and looked over her shoulder telling him silently to follow her, which he did.

Before he knew it they were right back in the place that Pondak was before, the Oval Office.

"I need a search party out instantly, we're looking for a platoon of our own soldiers that have gone rouge. They've taken a hostage and we have to get her back. About 5' 5", skinny, with blonde hair and brown eyes. Name is Rose Tyler." She told all of her highest officers their task before retreating to her office with the doctor following her.

They were in there for what seemed days, when really it was less than an hour. The doctor was all over the place, he would sit, he would stand, he would pace the wall back and forth, he would sit in the middle of the floor then lay on his back. He could not sit still, not when it was Rose's wellbeing on the line.

Not long after one of the officers knocked on the door.

"Enter" both Pondak and the Doctor stood in anticipation.

"Ma'am, we found someone by your description, but there is a problem" He avoided looking them both in the eyes.

"What's the problem?" She apprehended, her hands on her hips.

"This thing... this person we found... it is not Rose Tyler Ma'am"


Welp, there it is, my newest update. Sorry it has taken me absolutely forever but I feel none of you actually read this and I just didn't have time. I need feedback, pleeeeaaassseee. I have no clue what all of you want. But, I plan to write new things, as this book is soon coming to an end. Lemme know what you would like.

Thanks, my loves! <3

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