Chapter 6:

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2 days left and then adrien will return back to his castle , time has passed fast while protecting paris against evil and doing certain jobs.

Marinette walked in the hotel and saw alya talking to nino and chloe talking to sabrina but adrien was no where to be found.
" alya , nino where is Ad-prince adrien?" She corrected herself
" he left 2 hours ago saying he wants to walk and see how does paris look so close " she said
" well did anyone go with him ?" She asked
" he left alone marinette he said he didn't want anyone " nino said
" thats so ....irresponsible  he is a prince what was he thinking what if something bad happened to him like getting kidnapped or some of the sort" marinette said feeling worried.
" why didnt i think about this its better if i send someone to protect him " nino announced
" leave it to me i was going for a walk ill go look for him its going to rain as i remember so ill take and umbrella" marinette told them
" okay i bet adrien will be quite happy about this" nino whispered and  smirked
" huh?" Marinette asked
" nothing just saying it will be a good idea " he moved his arms aimlessly .
" okay bye " she said walked out looking for the amazing prince .

Adrien was walking looking at the places in paris that he never saw before because he was trapped in his home for the past 15 years he even is homeschooled until recently his father finally agreed to let him go to this school in paris that is close to the hotel .
" where do you think you're going prince ?" A person asked
He turned around and said " i see you found me here "
" well of course , dont you know its a bad idea to go through paris alone without guards to protect you?" She sighed
" well I'm bored from the guards its just like i cant protect myself" he huffed
" well thats the guards job to protect you not your job" she said
" and is it by chance yours ?" He asked
" well i am your private worker so i am supposed to protect you " she said
" well its not a girl's job to protect a man" he laughed
" oh really ?" She smirked
" yeah " he said and then rain started pouring on them .
"Great " he said " now we will be soaked before reaching the hotel "
" you see i was smart enough to bring an umbrella so that if we needed it " she said holding the umbrella .
" what a good worker you are " he grinned taking hold of the umbrella .
" i know i am " she said and then they started walking back to the hotel .

They entered and saw their friends gathered together looking worried and as soon as they saw them ran to them.
"You scared us adrien" nino said
" you stupid what if something happened to you?" Alya shouted at him " we will all be dead"
"So you dont care if something happened its just because my father will do something " adrien smirked
"Well that and you did really scare us " she said
" i told you adrikins will be fine he will go some where for a while and then comes back to his princess later " chloe said
" if you cant see he is already with his princess " alya grinned looking at marinette
Marinette was blushing and adrien was laughing .
" hey sabrina is she talking about me being his princess or is it this garbage can?" Chloe asked
" i guess the garbage can " sabrina said before getting a look from chloe " i mean you princess  .
" i thought so" she said before walking away .
" so you are my princess are you not mari?" Adrien smirked before walking back to his room leaving a blushing marinette .

How was the chapter ?
I wont update until i get comments ......

Guess what today it rained when i was at school and like the whole school was full of water that tomorrow we will take the day off lucky moi ....
It was creepy seeing the lightning and the hard rain falling but thank god we made it back home safely.

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