At The Party

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Hey guys I wanted to update you on the new schedule that I made... I will be posting on my stories every other day and if I miss a day I will do extra the next time I write. Also this fan fiction has over 500 reads and that is so EXCITING! So thank you for the support and hope you enjoy this chapter :) <3.

                                                                                        Y/n's P.O.V

After I talked with Bruce I went to the mall to get something that would work for the party since I do not own any dresses. I do not enjoy girly stuff so I wear a lot of black clothing, see I am a very big tom boy I do not like princesses or pink or anything like that. I have no Idea why but I just never did. I went and got two piece dress that is in the middle of regular blue and light blue color, I also got neutral colored high heels and some makeup that I thought might go well together with the outfit I got. (1 hour later at the Wayne manor) "Okay let's get ready for the party" I told myself eagerly to get this over with. I have never stood in heels so how am I going to walk in them? I guess I will just have to try to walk in them, and dance in them... I went back home and got everything out of the bags. I started to go to go sleep but I realized that the party was tonight I sighed and started to get ready. After I took my shower and dried my hair I curled my h/c hair and put it in a bun after I got my hair done I did my makeup I contoured my face by watching a tutorial video and did the rest of my makeup, after the makeup was done I put on the shoes and my two piece dress and looked in the mirror. I look pretty good considering I honestly don't know how to do makeup on my own, but I did it!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I walked downstairs hoping that it would be time to go which it probably is because it took forever to get ready. I am on the stairs and I see Bruce, Dick and the others in suit and ties but they can not see me, I slowly start walking downstairs the heels were making a little bit of noise not a lot but a little and just enough for the boys to notice that I am here. 

We soon headed off to the party...

                                                                                        (At the Party)

                                                                                         Y/n's P.O.V 

I am at the party and walking around doing my best not to trip because, well I would be in front of a lot of people, then Dick came up to me. "May I have this dance?" He said in a kind voice. "Yes, yes you may." We started dancing and surprisingly I did not even come close to stepping on his toes or tripping even though I had never danced like this especially in high heels. But of course something has to go wrong as I heard some assassins sneaking around. "I have to go sorry Dick" I said in a nice voice (Dick does not know that you are a hero).  I read his thoughts silently not being noticed by him. Where is she going? he thought was all I listened to but then I walked off not seeming like something was wrong but of course Bruce had to notice me. Luckily he is not coming after me but he did notice that I am walking off but it seems that he did not notice the assassins I went and got dressed to fight. ( mini a/n I am going to try something new I will be spreading the p.o.v's apart and not making them so compact starting now)

I am in hiding waiting for any sign of the assassins luckily I have experience with some of the best assassins and these are not nearly as good as them they almost made no sound at all but these they make quite a bit of noise for assassins 

I see a sign of them and they are going after Bruce I can not afford to let his secret out so far he has taken care of the city to what I know and if people figured out that Bruce Wayne is Batman then we would have some serious issues... I went to a very close hiding spot to Bruce it was not to close but close enough to see what was happening around him... 

I saw one assassin starting to get in position and I got into a position that would look like I had just got there, the assassin jumped out and pulled out a dagger. No-one saw him except me, this was a normal event so they were not on alert. The assassin is making a move and I am slowly but surely moving in so that I can get him or her when they attack.

He or she is out in the open and attacking obviously not a goo- wait that is not an assassin that is special forces I dropped down and attack the first one they were unconscious on the ground and more came around me.

I attacked one of them while another picked a chair to slam onto my head, I attacked them and the rest. All of the civilians were gone except the boys and Bruce but none of them except Bruce knew that I was fighting. The boys were in the other room and Bruce was in here... "What are you doing?" "Your welcome, Mister wayne" "We're leaving" he said in a stern voice. "no" I was about to argue but soon felt a pain in the back of my neck, and passed out.

Hey guys, sorry that I did not update sooner but luckily this chapter is super longover 1000 words. Also I finally have a schedule I will be posting every other day, and the next chapter will be only at the wayne manor so thank you for reading this fan fiction and hope you have an amazing day.

-  _Watermelon_

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