Cadmus Part 1

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                                                                                                Kf's P.O.V

Hey Kf, Hey nightie, would you stop calling me that, no, fine come with me, why? well surprisingly Batman has a mission for us , wait really he rarely is the one who briefs us anymore, yeah I know so it has to be extremely important.

okay this is a rescue mission I have reason to believe that cadmus has captured someone with powers and from what we know they could potentially give him or her more powers and turn that person into a weapon, is this a covert mission? No this is mainly a rescue mission not covert, okay I get it, you're dismissed. 

                                                                                               Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up and someone came up to me, ooohh she's awake, who are you, she's feisty I like her, why am I here, for a reason, well I am not going to find out that reason. I broke my confinements and starting throwing the scientists aside with ease and starting walking out.

Once I got out I saw a team of people who some of them looked my age and some did not, they saw me and automatically went into fighting stance I put up my hand and they calmed down seeing as I was not hostile I then started walking between them and none of them bothered stopping me and I just kept walking...

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