He isn't imaginary

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     Laney awoke in a pile of sticks and twigs. She sat up, and everything ached, and pain shot trough her head like a bullet. "Ah... What the hell?" She grumbled, looking around the dark eerie forest. 'Where am I?" She thought, forcing herself to stand up, despite the throbbing pain she was in. She was barefooted, her feet where bruised and sliced up. And so where her arms and legs. She noticed she was in a white dress, tattered and torn up and covered in blood and mud.
      Laney began walking through the forest, trying to find out where she was. Laney stumbled over branches and sticks, shredding up her feet even more. Her head continued to throb, causing her vision to become every so slightly blurry and unfocused. Laney stopped and rested up against a tree. She panted and tried to recollect herself. And suddenly, like someone flipped a switch, all her pain vanished, and she could see again.

    She studied her arms, they looked like they had been cut deep, but they were sewed back together. Curiosily, she pulled out the threads, feeling no pain but the uncomfortable feeling of the thread sliding out of her skin. The severed skin separated and exposed what Laney expected to be a serious wound. But suddenly everything made sense, she stared in shock instead of flesh, it was the same thing as her first dream. Galaxies and stars and nebulas. It was so beautiful, they shined and shimmered amongst the deep blue and purple background. She smiled and bravely poked her finger into her wound. A bright light came shown brightly from the cut, as all her other sewed up ones began spewing light. Frightened, she tore her finger out, but the light continued shining brightly.
       Laney started panicking "What's happening" she questioned aloud, she stared at her arms as they projected light . She soon became used to it and started walking again, the light helped her see a bit better. Lavender flowers where growing, scattered around the forest floor. From under logs, and just out in the open. They smelled amazing and Laney felt a but more relaxed. More lavender flowers seemed to to grow in the presence of her light. She took notice and bent down to the ground, and plucked one from the ground. She smiled and twirled it around in her fingers, suddenly she heard something move behind her. She snapped her head around and stood up, the flower now clutched in her hand.
     Laney froze up, as she spotted two large antler hiding behind a tree, luckily it was farther away. She saw a large clawed hand wrapped around the base of the tree, and its head peeked from behind the tree. Laney began breathing heavily, as she slowly backed up. "No, not you." She whispered. They thing stood up and began walking slowly toward her. The beautiful lavenders wilted in his presence, he had large hooved feet, she had never seen before, and a sort of horse like tail.
    His feet seemed to shake the ground. He moved quicker towards Laney, and she stayed put, her gleaming wounds shining brighter. The monster glared at her, growling violently at her. He stood up, staring down at her. He was almost 2x the size of her. Laney backed up, bending down and tearing up more flowers before darting in the other direction.
     She heard the monster follow after her, his big hooves stomping quickly behind her. She gracefully leaped over and dodge branches and fallen trees.  She knew how everything would play out, he was going to catch her, and he was gaining on her quickly. It hope to lose him, Laney took a hard right, as she heard the monster stop for a minute before resuming casing her through the forest. She got to a dead field, it was practically just dirt and occasionally she saw dead grass. She grasped tightly the lavender flowers before she looked at her remaining sewed up cuts. She took her teeth and began ripping out the stitches.
       Laney tore out the last of the stitches, the lights shining the brightest it has ever. Almost blinding Laney. The galaxies and stars in her lesions began spilling out and like little snakes, wrapping around Laney's body. She stopped and looked being her, the creature was far behind but approaching quickly. The cuts on her legs tore open, the stitches giving out, and the galaxy blood wrapped around her legs. Just as the monster lunged at her, its clawed hand wide open, it let out a blood curling screetch unlike anything Laney's heard. She squeazed her eyes shut she saw a flash of light before she felt like she was floating.
      Laney opened her eyes and she was floating around in space. She smiled as she realized it was just a dream, and she could do anything. She relaxed and lay there idly drifting farther into space. She looked at the lavenders still tightly grasped in her hand. She watched one slowly fly out if her hand, and away from her. She reached out to grab it, but it was just out of reach. She began trying to grab it, kicking her legs out in attempt to get closer. But it stayed just out of reach, and she stayed just a bit to far.
      Finally, she reached out and grabbed it and suddenly she was teleported back into the dead field. She hugged the flowers to her chest as she felt her relaxation fade into fear. She began shaking, as she felt a presence behind her. After awhile, she turned her head and saw the monster, towering abover her. Her eyes widened with fear as she began to use her legs to scoot farther away. He cocked his head a little bit, watching her panic. She hugged her flowers even tighter as she noticed he clutched a needle and thread. She liked at her legs and the back of her arms, they were all sewed back up. She began crying, and the monster reached out and grabbed her legs, slinging her over its shoulder. And it carried her back into the dark forest. She noticed her flowers began slowly wilting, as she bit at her cuts again. After gnawing at the threads for a very long time, she yanked out the thread and the cut opened up, and the light began to shine again. The flowers livened up, but the monster noticed the light and dropped Laney right on her head. She felt pain fill her entire head and it throbbed behind her eyes and in her jaw.
     Laney lay there for a little bit, in shock and pain before turning around, thats when it screamed at her and grabbed her face.
      Laney jolted awake, frantically looking around her room. The sun shined brightly into her room. She sat up in her bed, and was greeted with a sudden and painful headache. Laney groaned and put her hand to her head. The she felt something brush up against her leg. It was soft and delicate, and there was multiple. She ignored it and stood up and went to the bathroom. She opening up the medicine cabinet, she pulled out some Advil and plopped it in her mouth. She washed it down with a cup of water and reentered her room again. She didn't have to start getting ready for another 30 minutes or so, and so she went to go lay back down. Then she noticed something on her bed.
     Laney pulled up her blankets and noticed a pile of lavender flowers. Laney froze "What... What the hell?" She whispered to herself, as she reached out and picked them up, she turned around and noticed they were all over her floor. She was in a state of shock and confusion. "There's no way..." She said, as she began collecting the scattered flowers from her floor.
      Laney finished cleaning up her room and took the flowers down to her kitchen where she placed them in a small vase filled with water. She sat at her kitchen table and stared at the flowers idly. "How could this happen, there's no way" she mumbled, she looked at her phone and saw Kenny's babysitter would be here soon to pick him up. She forced herself away from the table as she went back upstairs to her brothers room to get him ready.
      Kenny was already awake, and he was sobbing uncontrollably. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" Laney ran to him and, picked him up. He grabbed her shirt and cried, "He tried to get me" he whinned, pointing at his closet. Lane furrowed her brow as she, sat him back in his bed. She approached his closet, she heard her brother start to fearfully scream at her, but she continued on. She got to the closet door, and stood there for a moment. After awhile she grabbed the handle on his closet and quickly slid it open. There was nothing. She let out a sigh of relief and smiled, "Kenny there's nothing in here" she laughed, walking back over to her brother. He looked pale as a sheet of paper. "What's wrong? I told you theres-" she foze. She heard the closet door shake ever so slightly. She turned around to see a male deer skull laying hidden at the bottom of the closet. "Whats happening" she whispered, walking over and grabbing the skull by the antlers. She slid it out of his closet and picked it up to examine it. "Kenny where did you get this" she said, turning to him. He shook his head violently "The deerman put it in there. I didn't do it, Laney" he pleaded jumping out of his bed and hugging her bare leg. "The 'deerman'?" She asked, bending down and setting the skull down next to her. "What did the deerman look like?" She rubbed his head and examined him to make sure he wasn't hurt. "He was big, and tall, and had big horns-" He stretched out his arms to emphasize how big they were. "Did he have horn like this" Laney asked, pointing at the antlers on the skull. Kenny nodded his head "-He was dark , and...and he had big, long arms with scary pointy fingers" Kenny pointed to his hand and then pointed at his bedroom door. "He tried...he tried to get into you room, Lane. But you shined the light at him and he went away" Laney looked confused. "What do you mean? What light?" "You turned on a bright light and he went away" he repeated. Laney sat down, she looked at her arms, besides older scars, she had no new cuts, but only what looked like new scars. "Kenny, I didn't wake up last night, I didn't turn on my light. Did you come in my room when he left?" She asked, holding his hand. "Yes... You had a garden in your room, Laney. You had flowers growing from your floor, the the deerman didn't like them." Laney realized what he meant, that's where the flowers came from. "Okay, Kenny. Well, Mackenzie is going to be here soon, we'll talk about this later. Let's get you out of your jammies" she smiled, and Kenny mirrored her expression. Laney decided she wasn't going to school today. She needed to find out what was happening. This thing.... This 'deerman' wasn't just an imaginary monster anymore.


Hey guys! I know this isn't my most popular story, but I want to have my own sort of story besides fanfictions, ya' know? I really hope this gets more popular, its kind of based on a true story for me. Except instead if a Deerman, it was a Catman. Of course no real flowers were growing in my room or anything, but I suffered from frequent sleep paralysis last summer because of my messed up sleep schedule. Well, sorry this was shorter than the first chapter, again, I hope people do enjoy this. Its a bit more personal for me so I hope you guys like it!

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