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Laney called the school, explaining she wasn't feeling the best and wouldn't attend school that day. Kenny had been picked up by MacKenzie about an hour ago, and Laney sat on her counter, trying to comprehend the strange occurrences of the 'Deerman'.
"There's no way any of this is happening..." Laney reassured herself, running her cold fingers through her hair. She looked at the newly formed scars on her arms, they were abnormally shaped, like they had been minor lesions, that needed medical attention. She traced one that ran across the inner part of her arm. "This isn't happening... this is impossible" she said in astonishment.
Laney jumped off her counter, making her way upstairs to take a shower. When she arrived to her room, she peeled her t-shirt off, tossing it across the room. Slipped off her shorts and wrapped a towel artist her body, walking down the hall to the bathroom to the shower. She started up the water, steam danced off the hot water, fogging the mirror and clouding up the room. Laney dropped the towel and got in sighing in relief. She ran her hands through her hair and washed herself.
Laney finished her shower, as she stepped out she noticed designs drawing in the fog on the mirror. Laney felt sudden dread overflow her mind and body as she clutched the towel in her fists. To Laney, it looked like some language, but she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. It looked so unfamiliar, yet familiar at the same time.
Laney wrapped the towel around her and left the bathroom quickly, fog smoking around her and leaving with her. She ran to her room and slammed the door, breathing heavily. "This is crazy" she breathed out, her voice cracking a bit. After some time after drying off and calming down, Laney put on clean pajamas and bravely stepped out of her room. She crept over to the bathroom and peeked inside. She saw nothing, the writing wasn't there, it was incredibly hot and humid in there, but nothing seemed weird or out of place. Laney began to rethink if she actually saw writing or if she was just paranoid.
Laney went into the bathroom to clean it up, she soaked up the water on the floor with her towel and hung it up. She straightened out the shower curtain, than started out of the room. Suddenly the lights went out and the door slammed shut. Laney violently jumped and slipped of the floor falling and smacking her head on the floor. And she saw a flash of light before she blacked out.

Laney awoke suddenly, she appeared to be in a dark room, she'd never seen before. The air was cold, but humid and stuffy and smelled rusty like fresh rain with a hint of diesel or gasoline that lingered as well. Laney stumbled around in the darkness, her arms outstretched searching for something to grab for support or guidance around such an unfamiliar and dark surrounding. The stuffy air made it hard to breathe, her lungs felt so much smaller, her head became clouded and dizzy.
Laney suddenly tripped over something, she yelped in surprise and pain as she crashed to the ground. She heard the thing scramble to get up, whatever she tripped over was large, and very much alive.
Laney gasped for air and frozen on the ground. The thing stomped around the room, breathing heavily like she was. Laney could here claws tapping across the ground as it trotted around, running aimlessly into things. Laney stopped breathing all together in fear whatever was in the same room would find her. She pulled herself into the fetal position on the ground, shaking violently as her heart raced in terror.
After awhile, the thing stopped crashing around, and Laney heard it flop to the ground and start breathing even heavier. Laney stretched her hand out searching for something to grab. After awhile of patting around she felt some sort of bag. She locked her hand around it and pulled it toward her body. Laney sat up on her knees, her body heaving in desperate attempts for air in the oxygen deprived atmosphere she was in. She blindly dug through the bag, she felt something waxy, and after sometime of inspecting, she concluded it to be a candle. Laney smiled reluctantly as she shoved her hand back into the bag immediately finding a lighter. The mystery monster heard Laney shuffling around as it began to slowly drag itself toward her, and Laney noticed. Laney immediately froze up again, clutching the lighter and candle in one hand, and the bag in another. Her breath picked up, as well as her heart rate. Adrenaline raved through out her body as she felt the instinct to run.
The thing stopped moving, still heaving violently, it's claws digging into the floor. Laney decided to be brave and light the candle, as her nail scratched at the little ridged wheel on the side in multiple attempts to get a spark. Finally she got a flame as she brought it to the candle as it ignited into a small, friendly flame. Laney held the candle in the direction of distress from the creature. She slowly crawled over to it, dragging the bag behind her as she inched closer to the heaving figure.
Laney began to make out a large grey and black mane, and a strong but oddly lean body, obviously animal, but Laney had never seen anything like it before. The thing hand a long, fluffy, squirrel-looking tail. The animal had black designs that were beautifully distributed along its body. The creature was very large, about the size of an elephant, maybe a bit smaller, but not by much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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