well and unwell

53 8 7


She sneezes 

and takes an week off from work.

So very sick

that she lays about watching television eating food

not coughing once?

she makes everyone worried with her act.


I wake up wanting to go to school

but when i try to get up i find that i cant move

i try to look to my right but it hurts too much

as im lifting myself off the floor 

i see her not-watching tv

Eating chinese from the night before,  on her phone

staring into the brightness.

she can't be sick.

Shes doing what sick people wish they could do

while i cant even swallow my spit.

Shes drinking soda after soda and i'm trying to breath 

without breathing too hard cause every  breath makes me light headed

shes pounding her chest while mine is filled with flem 

she disgusts me.

i have the weekend 

2 days to feel better with actual sickness

while she took off a week for a sneeze

i'm crying 

i feel like i'm dying 

she laughing and smiling watching dance moms with the volume all the way up 

and i'm sick 

but that doesn't really matter 

or does the fact that my fevers went up to 108

because the babies on my chest while i'm hacking up a lung 

and i'm trying to see clearly 

gulping down medicine 

while your laying oh-so  peacefully on the phone with your best friend talking about moving if trump gets elected.

 That joke is overdone,

just like my voice because i cant talk anymore.

it hurts too much to walk

and on top of that now I've got my period 

i haven't eaten since Thursday and todays Tuesday 

and i think i might be dying

This is the difference of being a sick child 

and being a sick adult in my house.

They make it known that my pain is 

one hundred percent irrelevant.

That i have to get and act like the adult that their not 

It's the beginning of the end.

~written by a person who can barely move and someone who actually misses school


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