Uncared for

33 6 7

I awaken to a small hand 

cradling my cheek

And I smile,

Thinking how cute it is.

That he's still asleep. 

Yet still comforting me.

My baby,

Only two years old.

I cringe at my smile

My pain abeyant to me before,

Blinding me of the real reason

 of which I'm awake.

A sharp pain In my stomach,

On the lower quadrid of my right side.

And I think, holy fucking shit,

It's finally happening.

My appendix is finally bursting/busted,

Or my cis finally popped. 

Or maybe it's just him,

With me again.

Trying to show me that he can inflict

On me even more pain 

On insides where I've already got pain

Than on the outside.

I told her this would happen,

Does love really make you this blind?

Do I even matter at all?

Why choose him over me?

The child she's left 

To bear her unbearables.

Her being with him,

Has been like a prelonged death sentence.

Is the last thing i think,

Since it hurts to do so.

As I fall back into an unwelcome sleep,

With his blurring face

Smiling at me.


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