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How do I go on day to day with this weight?
Breathing in and out
around the people I hate.
Around the people that are DESIGNED
to care for me
In a life I don't want,
with a bottle more empty than what I feel on the daily

How do I go on knowing nobody cares for me?
Knowing that Everyone and Everything around
Is as inconsistent are my curl pattern,
my period, and the president
What do you do when you know nothing is mutual, and how do you live your life,
knowing that you put your all into all but you aren't even given scraps.

Family, what's family?
Friends, what's friends?

If I can't come to you for anything,
Let alone when I'm im need
you're definitely no friend to me.
"Best. Friends. Forever."
What I am to you and what you'll never be to me.
Call me when you drunk,
summon my presence when your hurt,
No matter what I'll come to you
Always and forever doing my part as a human.
I need to vent
Missed calls and quadruple texts
I'm left alone and you're off getting bent with your "friends"

How do I go on knowing, feeling, being disposable?

Knowing that I have no one and nowhere
to turn when I'm hurt.
Knowing that no one truly cares and why is it just occurring to me now that my existence is greatly insignificant to everyone I've ever know.

Constantly used and discarded,
like your dirty Kleenex
Then thrown in the bin cause you're finally through with the thing you needed to feel better.

It's over I'm done for
Just know, you shouldn't cry at my tombstone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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