Chapter 3

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I got in the truck and studied Mitchell, who kept looking around. " You ok?"

"Ya just fine. I'm going to turn into a wolf." His voice was dripping sarcasm. A moment later he let a sigh and said  " Sorry man I didn't mean to snap at you" he hung his head  and rubbed his face.

" Its ok. Its a lot to take in, I understand. Ready to meet the pack?" I gave him smile.

He gave me a nervous smile before nodding his head. "Am I randomly going to spout a tail?" He asked urgently.

I laughed causing Mitchell to look like he was going to freak out. "No, don't worry."

He let out a sigh of relief.

I could tell he wanted to say something but he just kept playing with the strings on his hoodie. " What is it?? Spit it out!!"

He looked at me shyly, " Could I see your wolf. This time I'm not being attacked and bitten" he cringed at the last part, his blue eyes full of pain.

I nodded my head and got out of the truck, shifting into my wolf. I sat down and stared at him, waiting for his reaction. I sniffed the air making sure there was no danger.

"Wow!!" He said in awe. His eyes were wide but not from fear but wonder. He squatted down to my level.

"Your doing good so far"

He fell backward on his butt ,and I held back a howl of laughter.  He got up and brushed off his pants. "Not used to the talking part yet." He held up his hands.

I shifted back and got into the truck, turning it on. I waited till Mitchell put on his seat belt to move the truck. " Safety first." I said mocking my English teacher voice.

"Your so weird." He shook his head. " You're a wolf and second when do you care about safety? " he smirked.

" Thank you. And second" I put 2 fingers in the air "I care about safety when it matters.... usually" I grinned. The tension left the air.

"Am I going to be super strong ?"  He paused before continuing with a big smirk on his face." Am I going to be like Superman?"He put his hands in the air dramatically.  I lightly punched him in the arm. " Hey! You don't wanna mess with this." He flexed his skinny arm.

I smirked but didn't say anything for a second. " Don't you need a license for those guns!?" I pretended to be shocked.

He puffed up his chest and put on a macho face.

We were almost out our small town. " Were almost there." He began to fidget like he had ants in his pants. We stayed on the main road for ten minutes till we went off on a trail through the snowy woods. Mitchell was nervous before but now on the trail ,he was nearly jumping on his seat. " Dude, relax. They probably wont eat you. " I playfully said.

"Wha ... Wha ..... What! " he stuttered. His mouth was hanging open and he paled. He stopped moving and just stared at me in shock.

His face was priceless. " Dude, just kidding." I laughed.

Mitchell shoulders sagged with relief and he let out a breath. " That's good." He wiped his face with his hand.

As I pulled slowly toward the house, I looked out the window. To my right and left were different sizes houses, according to family size and purpose. Wolves and people were around. I saw wolf cubs tackling each other.  "Yes, we have electricity. Were like regular people sort of. The houses are like yours. We eat like you do, sometimes we go for hunts. " I turned toward Mitchell who looked shell shocked. " I'm guessed you would ask those questions. " I shrugged my shoulders.  I pointed to larger brick house to my left" That's the hospital and where the pack doctor lives." I stopped the truck so Mitchell could have a better view.

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