Chapter 4

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When I wake, I realize that I’m lying in the snow.

I stand and look around, happy that I’m still in my clothes. I see no one is around, so I just start walking home. I barely remember last night, it’s all a blur.

Once I reach my house, I open the door to find both my parents standing only feet from the door, arms crossed and looking furious.

“Uh, hey,” I say a bit awkwardly. “What’s up?”

“Where have you been?” My mom asks angrily.

“I slept over at Isaac’s house.”

“On a school night?”

“What? What day is it?” I feel my pulse quickening with worry.

“It’s Monday,” My dad answers. “You’re late for school. It started about two hours ago.”

“We were so close to filing a missing person’s report,” My mom steps forward and, surprisingly, hugs me. “I was so worried. You’re grounded for so long.”

“Um, wow, thanks.” I step aside after she releases me and run upstairs. I quickly take a shower and throw on some fresh clothes. I shove the textbooks into my backpack. I never got the chance to finish my homework though.

I race down the stairs, almost bumping into my dad on the way. “Hey, can you drive me to school?”

He sighs and rubs his fingers to his temples. “Sure, get in the car, I’ll be right there. Do you want something to eat before you go?”

“No, it’s almost lunch anyway. I’ll eat at school.” With that, I run to the garage, jumping into the passenger seat of my mom’s mini van. My dad gets in only a moment later.

The ride to school was quiet. Neither my dad or I said a word the whole way. He pulled his car up to the entrance of the school and I jumped out quickly.

“Thanks, Dad.” I say as I throw my backpack over one shoulder and walk to the two-story building. Once inside, I head to the office and sign in. Then, I skip the stop to my locker and go straight to third-period.

The door was shut and creaks loudly as I open it, drawing the attention of my classmates.

“You’re late,” Mr. Darwin states as I make my way to my seat. “That’s unlike you, Mr. Riverson. I hope this doesn’t become a habit.”

“It won’t happen again, sir.” I take a seat next to Isaac in the back of the room. I take out my science textbook and prop it up so the teacher can’t see me close my eyes. I place my head in my hands.

“Dude,” Isaac whispers, “where have you been?”

“In the woods. Where’ve you been?”

He silently chuckles. “Last night was awesome, right?”

I open one eye to look at him. He looks great compared to me. I have bags under my eyes and he looks like he’s almost glowing from beauty rest. “Man, how are you so awake right now?”

He just shrugs as I close my eye again. The rest of class went by quickly. I head to math class next, which also flies by. Next is study hall. I head to my locker, meeting Isaac there.

“So, why were you so late to school?”

I just look at him blankly. “I woke up in the woods.”

“Yeah, about that. Sorry I kind of left you there. I meant to go back for you later, but my wolf just wanted to run!” He grins big, showing off his white teeth. I can’t help but smile a little too.

That’s when things took a wrong turn.

“Hey, Mitchell,” A low voice says behind me, making me wince. “Why you so late to school? Mommy let you sleep in?” I hear chuckles from behind me. Sounds like his whole group is here.

“Give it a rest, Nate.”

“Oh, I’m so scared!” He mocks.

I ball my fist at my side and clench my teeth. I lower my head slightly, hoping to indicate that I’m not up for any games right now.

“Guys, I think he’s getting angry.” Nate says just loud enough for me to hear, though I’m sure I would’ve heard the snide comment even if he was whispering. These new wolf abilities are definitely going to take time to get used to.

“Nate, just walk away,” Isaac says at my side.

“You can’t always take his fights, Isaac. Let the scrawny kid stick up for himself.”

“I would,” I say, turning around, “but you’re not worth my time.”

“Ha! You’re just scared because your older brother isn’t here to protect you. Where is he now, huh?”

I clench my teeth harder. My vision is changing to a reddish color from the anger washing over me. Almost the color of blood.

“Where is he?” Nate insists again.

That’s when I lost it.

“He’s dead!” I scream. That’s when I notice the crowd that had formed around us. I look at all of their faces, including Nate and his goons. They all actually look… guilty. They actually feel sympathy. It was the secret that drew this new-found guilt out of them, the secret I’d only told Isaac. Now the whole school will know.

Their looks of sympathy cause something else to flood through me: pain.

With that, I couldn’t hold myself back any longer. I charge at Nate, who’s completely caught off guard, and tackle him to the ground. However, he recovers quickly, throwing punches at my abdomen. As he hits me, I feel the sharp pain of his fists, but instincts got the best of me. I threw the punches back, faster and harder.

Behind me, I hear Isaac in a fight of his own. He’s up against Nate’s biggest goon, while the others backed up into the crowd, not wanting to get involved.

The crowd cheers wildly. Through the corner of my eye, I see someone exchanging money, taking a bet on who will win.

That’s when a hand grabs me by the shoulder, throwing me off Nate and onto the floor. I look up to find Mr. Darwin. He’s breaking up the fight.

The crowd immediately stops cheering when they see the teacher.

“Boys!” He shouts. Isaac and the other kid he was fighting stand paralyzed behind me. From my spot on the floor, I look at Nate, who has a big bump swelling up on his forehead.

Suddenly, the pain take hold on me, causing me to wince. I taste something like copper. Blood.

I wipe at my nose, finding blood pouring from it. I can’t open one of my eyes as wide as the other and it hurts wickedly. My jaw hurts to move, and as I touch it, I feel a lump under my bottom lip.

What hurts worst, though, is my stomach. That’s where I took the most punches.

“I can’t believe this!” Mr. Darwin shouts, completely flabbergasted. “I expected more from you. All four of you, and you two,” He points to Nate’s two buddies who backed off into the crowd, “You will all come with me. The rest of you, back to class!”

The only thing Isaac and I got was a week’s detention. Nate and his goon got three days of suspension, while the other two got two day’s detention.

Isaac and I sat in the office, waiting to be allowed to lunch, when Nate stepped out of the principal’s office. He stopped in front of us and, surprisingly, apologized.

“Hey,” He said casually, but not smiling. “I’m really sorry about your brother and always picking on you.”

Not sure what to say, I just nod and give him a faint smile.

Only minutes later, we were allowed to go to lunch. My stomach still hurt, so I decided not to eat. Though, Isaac on the other hand, ate. And, that is to say, he ate like a wolf.

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