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Dippers point of view

"Okay, dipper and Mabel I have to tell you something so come sit by me." Gruncle Stan said. I walked over to the smelly man and took a seat. Today, I thought today he will tell me all of the secrets of gravity falls, this is the moment I've been waiti- "I'm gay." He said. In total shock my mouth dropped. "Oh gruncle! We knew that already! I mean its sooo obvious, remember that one time when I went into your room to ask you if you've seen waddles and you were dancing and singing to my several times so-"
"No! I was joking. Just saying that so what I'm about to say seems less weird. And that was probably Dipper singing." This made me blush. "No, no, I remember it, you even had their faces cut out so you put your face their on a poster I remember." Mabel said in a matter-of-fact tone. "No. Now onto what really matters. I....got a new person to help us with the mystery shack and she'll be staying here. So Mabel no trying to feed her Mabel juice and dipper no falling in love with her." Once again I blushed. "Yes dipp we DO NOT need another Wendy caseanario." Mabel said.
"What? Why would you say that? At least im not boy crazy!" I said to them. They stayed quiet for a moment. Then Mabel started to make a very slow pitched 'right'.

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