A total badass

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We get to the main part of town and I
see a skatepark.
"Hey Dipper can we stop there?!!" I ask all exited.

(A.N okay let's just pause for a moment so I can tell you what Sky looks like and her background,
She is 14 and she is a emo girl with black hair with red tiped bangs and a lip piercing.
She wears black ripped skinny jeans , black and white converses, and a red plain shirt that has her favourite band This is Not a Phase logo on it.
She was raised in a bad part of town with her brothers and her mom. She recently was in a very bad car accident and her brothers and Mom had died. Her dad left them before she was born. She was the youngest out if all of her brothers. And they lived a very small house before they died and she was very poor. She had to go to the mystery shack so she didn't have to live in the orphanage. She is a total badass at skateboarding and she can play the electric guitar.)

He looked at a guy standing around a group of his friends and looked a little nervous.
"Uh, yea. Sure." He said shakily.
We walked in and I looked around.
I put my foot on my skateboard.
Well, here goes nothing.



I watched as Sky took a deep breath and kicked the ground to go on the halfpipe. She skated down and when back up. When she got to the top She grabbed the bottom of the board and flipped it. She let go and went back down.
This caught Robbie's attention.
Robbie walked over to me and stood watching her .
"What's up doofus. "  He said.
"Go away Robbie!" I snapped back.
"No. I won't. What are you doin with a chick like that?" He asked looking Sky up and down while she grinded her skateboard against the edge of the halfpipe.

"S-shes my girlfriend!" I lied.
What the heck Dipper?  I asked myself.
"Ha! Yeah right." Robbie laughed at me.
Sky came back and kicked her skateboard up to pick it up.
"Hey dip, ". She smiled her beautiful smile.
"Heyyy, my name is Robbie. " He extended his hand to greet her.
She gladly shook it and said hi.
"Yeah so Dipper tells me your his girlfriend is that true? " Robbie asks.
Ohhhh, I am sooooooo dead .
Sky smiles at him and walks over to me and holds my hand.
"Yup!  I just moved here so I could be closer to him. " She said and then kissed my cheek.
My face was red and hot. I knew I was blushing.
Wow, she would lie just for me? I'm liking her more and more.  I think.

"Well, pshhh, I don't even care!" Robbie pulls the strings of his hoodie so it's covering his face.

"Come on baby we got a Arcade to go to. " She walks away with me still holding her hand.
As soon as we got out of sight of Robbie she turned around and pulled her hand away from me.
I frowned a little saddened when we had to pull apart.
"What the heck where you thinking !" She says raising her voice a little.
" I-i just didn't like the way he was looking at you, and that's the first thing that came into mind. I also think that your really pretty. "  I blurted out.
Her angry face turned into a blushing smile.
"O-oh, sorry for yelling at you. " She looks down.
"It's okay, I deserved it, thank you for going along with it. I owe you one. "
I said.
"Just buy me some nachos or something at the arcade." She playfully punched my arm.
"Heh, okay." I said.

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