Chapter Two

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"Thanks for letting us borrow your wheels, Benny!" Myrtle smiled as she admired the shape of Benny's pick up truck.

"It's the least I could do after what happened earlier, Ryan." Benny smiled shyly, he always thought of Myrtle as his own daughter. "I'm sorry you lost your job."

"Nah, it's fine." She looked down, realizing she was now jobless - although she didn't really depend on the job, it was still depressing for her to think that she lost one thing she really loved. "We'll get it back as soon as possible."

Cyan had already hopped in while Myrtle was still waving goodbye to Benny who was already closing the gate.

She went inside, riding shotgun and hoping that Cyan was a good driver.

"Remind me how you convinced me to come with you again."

"Hmm," he chuckled, "well, I stared into your eyes with mine and you were hypnotized."

"Haha, very funny." She answered sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Before they went to Benny, they went to Myrtle's home first. He said he needed to find someone named Mason Evans and after Googling for almost an hour, they now had a list of everyone named Mason Evans within a radius of three kilometers from the city.

She bid her mom goodbye, telling her that she was going to be on a road trip with her friends for a week, after all, it was the beginning of summer. Her mother easily believed it too, perhaps she trusted her daughter a little too much.

Besides, Myrtle couldn't possibly tell her mom that she'd be gone with a not-so stranger -a male stranger.

She didn't exactly believe him yet, probably it was the excitement and curiosity or maybe she realized that what she really needed right now was a little fun and experience.

"First up, we got Mason Evans number one, over at Athena Street, take a left."
Myrtle dictated, they had narrowed the list down to a total of sixteen eligible men.

They stopped as they caught sight of a mansion, a three-storey mansion.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Cyan asked as he checked his wristwatch, Myrtle had to hold down her laugh but came out in a chuckle at the sight of his watch, it was a pink Barbie wristwatch and looked like it either came from a trash can or cost a quarter.

"It's still a bit early, why don't we go on and see if this is him?" Cyan suggested.

"Sure." She was already feeling slightly more comfortable with him.

They knocked on the door, well, he did. Knocked three times before it opened and revealed a man.

He looked like in his mid-twenties. Wearing a collared shirt along with pants and shoes.

Cyan's eyes lit up, he was almost certain this was him.

"Uhh, are you Mason Evans?"

"Yes, who am I speaking to?" He asked, his voice soft and his eyes focusing on Cyan's weird clothing.

"I'm Cyan and this is Myrtle." He spoke excitedly, and although Myrtle never knew him personally before this was a new side to him. "I just wanted to-" he added but was cut by the arrival of another person.

"Sweetie, is there something wrong?" A woman asked as she wrapped her arm around Mason.

"We're sorry for the bother, it looks like we have the wrong Mason." Cyan suddenly stated. "Pardon us, we'll be going." He said as he stepped away.

"Cyan? What was that about?" Myrtle ran after him while the couple closed the door.

"We've got the wrong the Mason, where's the next one at?"

"Wait, I never expected us to get the right one at the first try but," she looked at him and pulled his wrist to stop him from walking "how'd you know it wasn't him?"

"He's married, I saw his wedding ring, the Mason we're looking for is supposed to be single."

"Oh." She breathed.

"Now come on, we have places to be." He said before Myrtle's stomach rumbled.

"Ugh. Sorry." She said, and he turned to her and his expression softened, he looked concerned.

"No, I'm sorry. I was so worked up about finding Mason I forgot about you." He apologized, his blue eyes not finding enough courage to look at her.

"Hey, it's fine, I haven't had anythkng to eat since breakfast but it's fine." She consoled jokingly, realizing it was already five in the afternoon, "why don't we grab something to eat and get back on our way?"

They traveled to a nearby diner, ordered two burgers and sat by the window.

"So, what do you need from him anyways?" She asked, taking a sip from her drink.

"Hmm?" He just took a huge bite from his burger and was chewing weirdly.

"You know, Mason." She added.

"Oh, I just need him to fix something."

"Oh come on, don't lie to me. No one would go through all this just to ask someone to fix something, there's obviously something you're not telling me."

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Try me, maybe I'm in a good mood."

He looked up from his meal, and rolled his eyes.

"Remember when I said I was from the future? Well, let's just say a certain time machine broke and there's only one person who can fix it."

"How do you know he can fix it?" She asked curiously, desperate for an answer.

"Because he invented it."

She blinked a few times, her mind buffering.

"Well, he hasn't invented it yet, maybe in the near future. But he will though, he will."

Hey guys!
sorry about a few typos in my writing, haha Chris Pine was spelled as Chris Pi e in the last chapter too.
Okay so, I seriously don't know what to write in these author's notes...
Just a quick question for y'all, if you could learn one language what would it be?
Anyways, waiting for feedback! Haha, any constructive criticism is accepted.

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