Home Sweet Home

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Geoff's car pulled up in front of the house. Gavin helped me out and we waved goodbye to Geoff. He pulled his car out of the driveway as we walked inside. Gavin helped me sit down on the couch. "You know I'm not a baby, right?" I rolled my eyes. "You just got out of the hospital, boi. I don't want you getting hurt again." I sighed and leaned back in the chair. Gavin looked down at me, "Do you want something to eat?" I nodded. "Anything sound good?" I shrugged and Gavin walked off into the kitchen. I saw my phone sitting on the coffee table and I picked it up. I had gotten thousands of tweets and text messages. Only two caught my eye. They were from Ray and Lindsay. I read Ray's first.

Ray - Hey buddy, I visited you yesterday. No one told me what was wrong with you, but Gavin kept crying. If you ever get out, would ya mind updating me? Get better, Michael.

I smiled at the text. I decided to answer him, but I couldn't find myself to think of a reply. No one told me what happened either, Ray. I started typing up some sort of reply to him.

Michael - Hey Ray. I just got home. I don't really know how to update you, bud. I kinda lost memory of anything that happened after Valentine's Day.

I went to check Lindsay's message after sending that to Ray.

Linds - Hey Michael. I'm assuming you won't read this for a while, but I heard you got in the hospital. Gavin told me tidbits on what happened. I'm sorry, Mikey. Gavin really loves you so you better get better for him, got it?

I sighed and decided to hold back on replying to her. I sat my phone back on the coffee table. Gavin walked up to me, carrying a small tray. He sat the tray on my lap. "I made chicken noodle soup for you, love." I smiled at him as he cuddled up next to me. I went to take a sip, but blew on it to cool it down. The soup was better than regular chicken noodle soup and I was almost finished with it already. Gavin was acting a little bit more clingy than he ever has been. He was clutching my shoulders and had his hand resting on my thigh. "Micoo." My mouth was full of soup so I just made some noise that sounded like "Yeah?" Gavin looked at me. He looked so lost. "You're mine right?" I swallowed the soup, "Yeah, Gavvers. I'm all yours." I smiled. He leaned his head on my shoulder. "I love you, Micoo." "I love you too, Gavvy."

When I finished my soup, Gavin took it into the kitchen and cleaned the dishes. I sat back and turned on the television. "Hey Gav?" "Yeah, boi?" I looked back at him, "Is there work tomorrow?" He nodded, "You don't have to go in though." I shrugged, "Can we?" He nodded, his face lit up. "I'll tell Geoff that he can pick us up in the morning then!" I waved him off, "I can drive us." His face sunk, "Are you sure?" I nodded, "I'll show you. Let's take a test drive." Gavin shook his head, "I believe you, but you need some rest, alright?" I nodded as he walked with me to the bedroom. "I'm gonna take a shower first, okay?" I said, picking out some new clothes. Gavin nodded and sat down on the bed. I grabbed a towel before turning on the water. I undressed and was about to get in when I looked at my arm. I should probably take off the gauze so it doesn't get wet. I started to tug at the tape, eventually getting it off and throwing it away. I looked down at my arm. What the hell?! Why are there so many cuts? What the fuck did I do? I shook away the questions and just got in the shower.

When I got out of the shower, I dried myself off and threw the clothes I brought in. I dried my hair a bit before going back in the bedroom. Gavin was already in his pajamas and he had put both our phones on charge. He didn't see me come out so I just stood in the doorway and adored him. He looked up at saw me and he grew a smile. His smile dimmed when he saw my arm. He stuck his arms out and I crawled into them. "You get some sleep, love. I'll be the big spoon tonight." I smiled at his silly comment and snuggled my back closer to him. "Good night, Gav." He kissed the back of my neck. "Good night, Micoo." I closed my eyes and started to sleep. Gavin tightened his grip on me. It was enough that it felt like I was being protected but also let me breath.  So this is what a home sweet home feels like.

[A/N: Sorry it's so short guys! I promise I'll make the next one longer and cuter! Hope you liked it. Feedback is greatly appreciated!]

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