This Love

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The guys didn't break the hug for what felt like an hour, but was probably only ten minutes. "You don't have to be strong all the time, okay? It's perfectly fine to break down. We won't judge you for it and neither will the fans," Geoff still had his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it while he spoke. I nodded, shaking a bit as I kept crying. "You mean so much to us, Michael," Jack mentioned. Another hand rested on my shoulder. "You're small, but you're mighty, Jones. You've been through so much yet tried your best to stay strong. You deserve to break down right now. You deserve a break," Ryan's voice chimed in. Gavin's hand crept into mine, "I love you, Micoo. More than you could imagine." I squeezed Gavin's hand and used my other one to wipe my eyes. Gavin kissed my cheek and smiled reassuringly to me. I sniffled and raised my head, "Thank you guys. You don't know how much I needed that."

"Oh shit. We've gotta film AHWU," Jack ruffled my hair and went to set up the camera. "Do you want to stay for it, buddy?" Geoff asked. I nodded, "I want to say something on it." Jack started up the camera and proceeded to record. Right after everyone finished, Jack handed me the mic. I stood up in front of the camera, my eyes were probably red and puffy, but I didn't care. "Hey guys. I uh- I wanted to talk about some of the recent events lately. I know I haven't been in a lot of videos and literally skipped out all last week, but I have my reasons.-" I lifted my neck up to show the camera the bruises, "I uh- I have depression. Severe depression. I don't want to go into any detail about it in fear of not being an idol to you guys anymore. Last week I was in the hospital after trying to um-" I started to choke up, "To hang myself. A coworker had been saying extremely rude things to me and I let it get to me." I started to tear up and Gavin cam up to my side, I kept talking.

"I just want all of you to know that you're worth it. Don't let anyone get to you. You're you and that's all that matters. Trying to kill yourself won't stop the bad, it'll only let you miss out on the good.-" I looked over at Gavin as I said that. He smiled at me. I smiled back. "I almost missed out on all the future times I'd get to spend with this man." I looked back at the camera, "So don't you guys give up, okay? Keep fighting with me. We can get through this. I promise." Gavin kissed me and all the guys said "awwwww" in unison. Jack ended the video there. He took out the card and went over to his computer to edit so he could get it up today. Gavin had his arms wrapped around my waist, my arms were around his neck. "I'm proud of you," He swayed us side to side slightly. I buried my head in his chest. "Do you want to go home?" Gavin voice was quiet and comforting. I nodded.

"Hey guys, the video just uploaded," Jack noted. We slightly smiled at him. "We're going to head home. I think Micoo needs to rest," Gavin said. Geoff nodded and walked us out. It was actually starting to get a bit dark outside. Gavin opened the passenger's side door for me before getting into the driver's seat himself. We headed off on the road. I leaned against the window and had trouble keeping my eyes open. I let them close and fell asleep. I felt the car stop and my door being opened. I was extremely tired and didn't really want to walk. Someone unbuckled my seatbelt, which must have been Gavin, and picked me up bridal style. He carried me into the house and straight into the bedroom. I let my eyes blink open. I yawned as he set me on the bed. "I'm going to put on pee-jays," I noted, pushing myself out of the bed. Gavin changed into his and I changed into mine. I got back onto the bed and under the covers.

Gavin turned off the light and came over to me. He took my glasses off and set them on my nightstand. He also plugged in both mine and his phones. Then he crawled into the bed and snuggled into me. He put his arm around my waist and pulled my close to him. I stared blankly at the darkness. I'm not useless. I'm loved. I'm cared about. Gavin cares about me. He's my rock, my person. "Gav?" I whispered. He let out a 'hmm' as an answer. "You're my person right?" Gavin huffed, "Of course I am." I smiled, "Good." "Why'd you ask?" He intertwined our fingers under the covers. "No reason," I answered. "Get some sleep," he yawned out. I yawned too, "I love you." "I love you too, Micoo," he snuggled more into me. I shut my eyes, drifting off to sleep, dreaming about my future with Gavin.

[A/N: Little bit shorter than usual. Sorry! It's also really late here. 12 in the morning actually. I should probably sleep, but I got inspired by a song so here I am again. Hope you guys liked this one!]

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