Geoff Kicked Us Out

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I waited at the doors of the airport, half watching my car waiting behind me so it wouldn't get towed. I heard the muttering of curse word and turned to meet me mom. She got thinner, like way thinner and not in a good way. I reached my arms out and pulled her into a hug. She kissed my cheek before I opened the passenger's side door for her, closing it when we got in, and put all her suitcases in the back. I got in the driver's seat and started heading home. "How was your first night with the baby?" My mom tried to make small talk. "Actually not the bad. She woke us up at like two in the fucking morning, but I got her to go back to bed quickly," I answered. "What'd ya do?" She leaned back in her seat. "I just sat in the stupid rocking chair Lindsay made us get and sang to her," I explained. She smiled, "I always loved it when you sang." I huffed, "I'm not even that good." My mom started laughing, "The hell you are! You won the state talent show in elementary school!" "It was the county talent show, but that doesn't even count," I argued.

I took my mom's things into the room she would be staying in. Gavin came out to greet her. "Now where's my grandbaby?" She smiled. Gavin led her into Lily's room and I followed behind them. My mom immediately went to pick her up, seeing as she was awake, "She's adorable! Look at those cute chubby cheeks." Gavin nudged me in the arm, "We gotta head to work, love." I nodded, "Hey mom. Gav and I gotta get going." My mom waved us off, "I know where everything's at. Get going boys. I love you both!" "Love you too mom," I said while walking off. Gavin smiled, "Love you too, Denise." Gavin rushed my out of the door and into the car. "Woah, Gav. What are you in a rush for?" I said as I got in the driver's seat. "Geoff called me and he said it was urgent," Gavin answered. I pulled the car out onto the road, "He was probably joking, Gav. Last time he called me for an urgent meeting he was trying to make us eat a fucking sub." Gavin was jumpy the whole ride and clung to me when we walked into the building anyways. I wrapped my arm around his waist to reassure him.

Gavin and I walked into the office and relaxed at our desks. Geoff wasn't even there. "See, Gav? He's not even here," I rubbed his hand. Gavin relaxed a bit only to jump up when Geoff ran into the room with a mic and shouted, "GO!" Gavin honestly fell out of his chair. I helped him up, but turned to whoever was holding the camera, "You got that, right?" They nodded and I saw it was Caleb. "Damn, Gavin. What's got you all jumpy?" Geoff chuckled. Gavin flipped him off. "Load up your Xboxes dickbags," Geoff ordered. All of us did as he said and listened to what he wanted us to do. Jeremy ended up winning because he was quick to jump at the controller. Gavin's Xbox had like fifty-thousand updates to do. I only had to mark one game off to win. Jack didn't come to work today, and Ryan just gave up because his controller died. Jeremy jumped at the opportunity to place a star sticker on his section of the board. We booed at him for having an unfair advantage, but he just flipped us off. Caleb left with the camera after that to go edit.

"Hey what's got you all jumpy today, hubby?" I leaned my head on Gavin's shoulder. "I might've played a scary game while you were gone," Gavin whimpered. "Nothing bad will happen to you Gav. It was just a game," I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "Yeah, but I'm still scared," Gavin frowned. "Don't be. I'm here," I kissed his cheek. "You guys are gross," Jeremy joked. I flipped him off, "At least we don't make videos of our cats." Jeremy fake gasped, "Cats are cuter than you." I hissed at him, "How's that for cute?" Gavin tugged on my shirt and I looked at him, "We have to film a Play Pals before the fans think we forgot them." I nodded, "Yeah, okay. Ryan said he has a game for us, so we'll play that." Gavin nodded and called Ryan over to set up the game. We used my computer because it was some stupid flash game. "If this breaks my computer, I'll kick your ass," I said to Ryan who just laughed and sat back down. Gavin and I started up our recording stuff, along with the game and began filming. Of course, it was a scary game. "I hate Ryan a lot more right now," Gavin groaned. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders while we played. Gavin got scared at all the jump scares and I laughed at him. Then then ending came up, which I was guessing was the scariest part, and it was. Gavin fell out of his chair which caused me to fall out of mine. The other guys fell into a fit of laughter and that's how we ended the video.

We filmed one Let's Play before Geoff pulled Gavin and I aside. "What's up Geoff?" Gavin asked, his head tilted. "You guys should take the week off, family leave. Just to watch over your kid," Geoff gave us a sweet smile. "Thanks, Geoff, but my mom's in town helping us out," I said. Geoff shook his head and gave us his signature 'Are You Kidding Me?' look, "Go home, Jones." "Alright, alright," Gavin sighed and tossed his hands up. I loved how he answered to my last name now. "Go get your stuff and don't come back until Friday," Geoff patted us on the backs. Gavin and I went back into the office to get our stuff. "Geoff's kickin' us out guys," I said. "See you guys on Friday," Gavin added. "Good luck with the kid," Ryan called out to us. I gave him a thumbs up before walking to my car with Gavin. I started the car and drove us home. "I bet your mum dressed Lily up in one of those dresses we have," Gavin smiled at the thought. I smiled too.

My mom did dress Lily up in a pink dress with a tutu like bottom and man was it cute. I took a picture of her on my phone. "Why are you guys home so early?" My mom, who was relaxing on the couch asked. "You remember our boss, Geoff, right?" I asked and she nodded. "He put us on family leave for a week," Gavin explained. My mom nodded, "Oh okay. Well I made dinner for you boys. It's in the oven if you want any." We nodded and immediately went to get us some food. It was lasagna. Gavin and I ate at the little breakfast bar and talked. My mom came into the kitchen to grab some water. "Why don't you go out somewhere while Gav and I watch Lily?" I suggested to my mom. "Oh sweetie, I know what it's like to have a kid. You're going to need all the alone time you can get. I'll watch her, you two go out," my mom smiled at us. "Yeah, that's the point. You've had enough with kids. Go take a break," Gavin smiled at her after he scarfed down his plate of lasagna. "You don't want me to hang out with my grandchild?" My mom frowned. "Oh no, here we go," I chuckled. My mom ended up getting what she wanted after she planned an excited day for Gavin and I tomorrow.

[A/N: Hey if anyone is good with Photoshop and would like to make a new cover for this book, I'd greatly appreciate it! Just put it on any social media listed below and tag me in it:
-Tumblr: MadQueenMogar
-Twitter: MadQueenMogar
-Instagram: MadQueenMogar (or MadManiacMogar)
Thank you!

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